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As you are aware I regularly host Golds Room on Server 2. This activity is something I thoroughly enjoy and even if I say so myself I think it's a nice room and there are lots of great people in there to chat to.
Many of the people we chat to are particularly interested in the club we are members of, Liberty Elite, in Lutterworth, Leicestershire area, which is considered by many to be the upmarket club for those persuing a liberated lifestyle. So I thought I would talk to the club owners about the possibility of them opening on a Sunday afternoon, a day which they normally don't open, exclusively for my SH Golds Room event. I am happy to report that they thought it a great idea.
The normal club policy is that members are allowed to bring along one guest or guest couple per visit, who are signed in as guests for one night only. we have negotiated the lifting of this ruling for us for this one off occasion and Silver and I will be allowed to sign in up to 80 people, that being a mix of couples and singles. Although i will limit the number of single guys as we want a good ratio of couples and singles (around 20%) singles.
As this event is being held in a club environment, of course playing will be on the agenda for those who wish. For newbies who have never visited a club, let me stress that you are under no pressure to play at Libertys, there is a lovely spacious lounge bar area, which is separate from the play areas, for you to chill in shoud you so desire, without anything being 'in your face.' So if you are a little nervous about playing, just come along and treat it as a normal social.
Anyone wishing to attend this social event, will be required to pre-book with the venue to ensure admittance. The club will not be open to the general club members on this date as it is exclusive to the Golds Room SH members only. Details on how to book can be obtained from me in Golds Room. But again, like the Tamworth social, it will be all pre-paid, no admission on the day without pre-booking.
I am thrilled to bits with this deal and I am sure you will be too.
The event will run from 2pm til 8pm and will cost a discounted price of per person, (for sinlges this is an amazing price) and this will include all of the club facilites and a fab buffet. The reason we have chosen a Sunday afternoon is that for those who will need to travel, there will be time to get there, have a great time and arrive home again in plenty of time to have a good nights sleep before the Monday morning grind.
I am giving you all plenty of notice about this so if you need to organised child care for the day, you have plenty of time to sort it all out. Grandparents are designed for babysitting, we should know we do it often enough !!
If you are interested in attending this event, please put your name down here or come and chat to me in Golds Room on server 2 any evening after 9pm.
Please note this is a social for people who come into Golds Room, thats how i get to know you all.
List of people so far
1Wineman2 x 2
Playfulsx x 2
Two69s x 2
Kinkymadam x 2
mariepaulcouple x 2
GNT x 2
jaykay1967111 x 2
easycome x 2
Rothmans x 2 .......TO BE CONFIRMED
whitelilly x 2
try2 ................TO BE CONFIRMED
staffscouple40 x 2
dorkandwindy x 2
vagabond1 x2
Gnb x 2
wittyclitty & mr witty
martandkirsten x2
earlytubbers x 2 -Libertys members
Misscurious -Libertys member
Em_jay x2 - to be confirmed
williamanne x 2
Hi Gold
I would have liked to come but away on Holiday that time. Its a pity as it is a very suitable time of day. There would have been no problems for me getting there.
hi gold,
i would love to come to this event if possible . i live close so getting there would not be a problem. could u please let me know how to contact the venue and get my name down thank you
Hi Tina
I would love to come along. Please add me to the list and i will confirm when i have contacted and booked the venue.
I will be travelling from the Cannock/Tamworth area for anyone who needs a lift. Would be nice to have someone to chat to along the way!!
Sean xx
Sounds great - hope you all have a good time!
Gold n Silver,
deffo be coming sounds like youre organising another top blast..
sundays a great idea so but me down x2 and see you first at the April bash..
love life and happyness
put our name down we would love to come lol
Hello Everyone
weve been working hard getting the all the elements right for Goldsroom social on 12th of april so ive not been thinking about the June social much but iam happy to report that everything is set in place at libertys and we are hoping that lots of you will join us for what promises to be a great sunday afternoon
Gold xx
Hello Everyone
weve been working hard getting the all the elements right for Goldsroom social on 12th of april so ive not been thinking about the June social much but iam happy to report that everything is set in place at libertys and we are hoping that lots of you will join us for what promises to be a great sunday afternoon
Gold xx
Hi Goldsmith,
I'd like an invite to liberty please.
Oh yes count us in for definate!! We used to go there allthe time before we moved down south and there is absolutley nowhere to beat it!! Gold has chosen the perfect venue. What more could you ask for.. great place, excellent price!!and nice sexy people. go for it everyone!!
mr and mrs play
Hi Folks I am a single guy who is down in the area for 5 weeks and I too would love the opportunity of joining you all.
As you are aware I regularly host Golds Room on Guinevere on SH. This activity is something I thoroughly enjoy and even if I say so myself I think it's a nice room and there are lots of great people in there to chat to.
Many of the people we chat to are particularly interested in the exclusive club we are members of in the Leicestershire area, which is considered by many to be the upmarket club for those persuing a liberated lifestyle. So I thought I would talk to the club owners about the possibility of them opening on a Sunday afternoon, a day which they normally don't open, exclusively for my SH Golds Room event. I am happy to report that they thought it a great idea.
The normal club policy is that members are allowed to bring along one guest or guest couple per visit, who are signed in as guests for one night only. we have negotiated the lifting of this ruling for us for this one off occasion and Silver and I will be allowed to sign in up to 80 people, that being a mix of couples and singles.
Anyone wishing to attend this social event, will be required to pre-book with the venue to ensure admittance. The club will not be open to the general club members on this date as it is exclusive to the Golds Room SH members only.
I am thrilled to bits with this deal and I am sure you will be too.
The event will run from 2pm til 8pm and will cost a discounted price of per person, this will include all of the club facilites and a fab buffet. The reason we have chosen a Sunday afternoon is that for those who will need to travel, there will be time to get there, have a great time and arrive home again in plenty of time to have a good nights sleep before the Monday morning grind.
I am giving you all plenty of notice about this so if you need to organised child care for the day, you have plenty of time to sort it all out. Grandparents are designed for babysitting, we should know we do it often enough !!
If you are interested in attending this event, please put your name down here or come and chat to me in Golds Room on Guinevere any evening after 9pm.
Please note this is a social for people who come into Golds Room, thats how i get to know you all.
Really looking forward to the night. Should be great fun.
Kinkymadam xx
Getting lots of mail to our mailox so i guess you peeps like the idea of our laid back sunday affernoon.
But best thing to do is to come into Goldsroom and she will try and answer any questions you may have
Hi Goldsmith, I would love to cum and support your event if at all possible, it is the closest venue to me and its been a while since I have been,.
Hope there is a place for me so I can meet some of the people I havent had the pleasure of speaking to in person at any of the other meets or socials, its great to put faces to names of the people you chat to on SH, thanks for putting yourself out and going to the trouble of organising the event xxx.
Thank you H4U
Indeed Gold works hard on her events and its nice to read comments like yours.
we look foward to seeing you on the day
Well obviously its a good social to organise for people as lots of you are really interested. If you fancy an afternoon soiree in lovely sexy surrounding then come into Golds Room and have a chat.
Look forward to seeing friends old and new there.
wow = we had a very positive discussion with the management re the buffet its going to be yummy
it likes like its going to be a sunday to remember
if anyone would like further details on this social chat to Gold in GOLDSROOM on server two iam sure she will be happy to fill you in so to speak lol
We are members at the club that you mention. If folks have not been there before, then we are sure that they will be impressed. This is also a great opportunity if you have not visited a club before.
Anyhow we could be well interested in attending too, but won't know for certain until nearer the time.
D & A
Thank you Rothmans for your post i see you are follow members of the club we to think it will be a great chance for those you may have wanted to try a club but maybe not got round to it
we will add your name to the list with TBC next to it
hi a great idea i'd love to come along see the club and make new friends would it be okay to keep me in mind and let you know nearer the time.
rememer please when you book your place with the club you will still need to bring two forms of ID with you on the day because Gold will sort paperwork with club management as you will be on our guest list for the visit
thank you
There is a change of date as due to unforseen circumstances, the owners of the club will be away on the 15th June. So we have brought the social forward one week to Sunday 8th June.
We hope this doesnt inconvenience any of you and we look forward to seeing you there. Don't forget you will have to pre-book with the club for this social, so come into Golds Room on Server 2 to get more details on how to book.
hi guys
well as if you dont have lots to do already lol
we have been thinking of trying another club
see how the other half live !!!!!!!!!!!!!
the posh buggers lol
so you i think can count us both in lol
so will have to get old man to put his hand in his pocket no not to play wiv his balls lol
but to get some pennies out lol
have looked on the web site and it all looks so good
cant wait till the april doo
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hi Gold can you put my name down as a maybe, I will confirm later.
Hiya Gold
please could you pm me please
Had a fab night at Golds Tamworth social last night but its looking like the Libertys social may even be better if thats possible mmmmmmm
cant wait
ROLL ON JUNE --- I mean the month not the lady from Sutton Coldfield lol
Well the Tamworth social is well and truly over, and its time to look towards the Liberty Elite Social on 8th June. I am so looking forward to it as it means i have to do nothing after its all booked, except turn up lol
So if you would like to come along to Libertys, please come into Golds Room and have a chat and i can give you all the details.