Looking forward to get together. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm what to wear lol and cabin booked. Quite suprised any left must have got one of the last. At least if I have to look after any whips etc can return in the morning. x
whoop whoop beds,, I think there maybe one left .. I do know that this group have booked them all to date ;)) x
Im cruising the internet myself for outfit ideas.. its soo hot in there , i think new underwear in order ;) x
ps do i have the whip back now ? lolxx
Just been club, one cabin left for 26th,,, x
can't make it gorge ....lift let me down ppftttt ...you know who you are lol...see ya in feb hunni n have a fab birthday xxxxxxxxxx
ok now im seriously concerned cause according to Euerkas my friends from fabs booked last cabin last night !!!
there cant be any left !!!!!!!!
for those wanting accommodation the thistle brands hatch has deals on at moment xx
yea nnnf on a clear night you can hear them brum brumming ... its a stone throw away down some very very narrow dark lanes lolxxx
Hi euerkas are now staying open all night. So those with out cabins can bring their duvets and camp in the club house xx
Shite shirt ironed and hung up ready, dancing shoes polished,, 6 pack gone forever ,,,, bring on the party
theyll be there dont worry lolxx
fingers crossed the temperature warms up and the frost thaws.. cause those sheds are freezing lol xxx
Could end up a mass pile up in the couples room for warmth at this rate xx