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guy''s wanted for sex saturday

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Out in the south coast area Saturday, going to pub then maybe a club. Looking for men or a man to meet up with, female very horny and open to most things. It could be either outdoor fun or you could accomodate home, hotel etc. Any suggestions considered. Will only consider guys with a picture and who WILL turn up. Will let you know tel no and location nearer the time.
Look forward to meeting up.
Well, have a couple of guys cumming, but would like LOTS!
You can do with me pretty much what you want....that must be worth the trip????????
Hi Dipper,
Seen your advert and would love to meet up on Saturday.
Please check my profile out and let me know if you're interested in meeting up.
I have a face pic in my Non public album which I'll make available to you.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Sorry are over 4hrs away! Not really gonna happen???????
hi have sent you a pm
hope you like
take care
Thanks Paul.....unfortunatly, you couldn't read either?????
Ummmm...getting on for 800 views of this post plus another 900 of our ads. Thats 1700!
2 Serious replies out of which, if we're lucky, one will actually show up.
This site is not quite what it was for heterosexual swinging??????????
Quote by dippergt750
Ummmm...getting on for 800 views of this post plus another 900 of our ads. Thats 1700!
2 Serious replies out of which, if we're lucky, one will actually show up.
This site is not quite what it was for heterosexual swinging??????????

It's probably because your rude, very public remarks (current and past) to anyone that has PM'd or messaged you privately or otherwise are so damn rude to be honest.. that and the fact that your whining about how bad the 'heterosexual' side of the site is, along with your pleas and cynical attitude, is also making you sound very desperate.
How do you know that any of these guys are not in your area on business or for some personal reason? My profile says that I'm in the north of England and I'll be in Dubai on business by this time tomorrow!
Ummmm....perhaps we could buy you a soap box!
We partner prefers not to get involved in male to male pursuits and I find the idea sickening. Not something I set out to do...just happens. We happen to believe that this site is being overrun by gay male members, which we see as little to do with swinging.....always thought it was called cruising.
We do however agree on the right of every gay male, to bang on about their right to do as they wish (which we agree with) and also their right to argue and condem all those who find it distatsful (which is an atitude we do NOT agree with). However the noisy agressive biker has put his point, and wins the day as we are not going to get into another rant with this character!
Quote by dippergt750
Ummmm....perhaps we could buy you a soap box!
We partner prefers not to get involved in male to male pursuits and I find the idea sickening. Not something I set out to do...just happens. We happen to believe that this site is being overrun by gay male members, which we see as little to do with swinging.....always thought it was called cruising.
We do however agree on the right of every gay male, to bang on about their right to do as they wish (which we agree with) and also their right to argue and condem all those who find it distatsful (which is an atitude we do NOT agree with). However the noisy agressive biker has put his point, and wins the day as we are not going to get into another rant with this character!

Yeah right rolleyes And what the hell did my post have to do with sexuality?
It was about your bad attitude and rudeness, nothing to do with anyone's preferences. You're obsessed.
My post also has nothing to do with 'winning', just pointing out on a public forum that I use, why things might sometimes appear the way they do.
Don't confuse assertive and direct with aggressive - it isn't a continuum and they are very different. Before you criticise anyone else's attitude on here, I strongly recommend that you check your own. Often the reasons for our personal lack of success are far closer to home than we sometimes think.
Blimey sum issues going on there with you BIoke you sure you aint Fred flintstone lol yabadabadoo
Hope you find what you looking for dippergt750 . don't mind me i was just perving redface x x
Hehehe......and he's ranting at a woman!
Bet he doesn't talk to the boys like that!
Seriously, we get a bit miffed because it's now such a "gay" site, when once it was a terrific swinging site....also, the bi and gay guys do tend to get a bit "bullish".
Can't understand why the site owners don't split the site to suit...they would make more cash, which is their aim!
Now wait for the next rant......Oopps sorry "assertive statement".
Quote by sweetshygurl
.... you sure you aint Fred flintstone lol

... and are you sure your 'man' doesn't suck cock? Stoke is a relatively small town you know, especially when you originally come from the Cheshire area :lol:
It's always interesting when the female half of a couple protests their man's 'straightness' on their own profile. You two should start a club wink
Soooo predictable.....oh well! Foot stamping and the bitch slapping is a bit over the top don't you think?
Quote by dippergt750
.... we are not going to get into another rant with this character!

Quote by dippergt750
Soooo predictable.....

Yes, you are rotflmao
Try here:
I started this have taken over with your ranting......I simply made the point that there are now a huge number of gays and bi's on this site which tends to scupper malefemale swinging.
That instantly set you off, as in the past you have ranted before! You are the one who started name calling and foot stamping like some characature of a "queen" in a bad TV sitcom. You have little or no interest in having sex with ANY woman, let alone me, so forgive me if I have difficulty with your attitude.
Quote by dippergt750
...You have little or no interest in having sex with ANY woman, let alone me, so forgive me if I have difficulty with your attitude.

Like like most of the crap you've posted above, that's once again, another assumption and huge generalisation.. you're quite sure of that are you, that I have no interest in having sex with women? Or is that another one of your massive 'I'm right and I know best and they are wrong' generalisations?
But one thing you are right about, I DEFINITELY don't want to have sex with you, not if my life depended on it to be honest.. and neither would it seem do many of the guys on here based on the fact that you're complaining about your poor response. I think in a past thread you said that some guys did actually show up and then went to the toilet in the pub and never came back... I went to see a car once off Autotrader and it wasn't at all like it was described so I walked away too.
And I'll say it again, my post had nothing to do with sexuality and everything to do with what I think is a dreadful attitude towards the single guys that had bothered to reply.
Hope you get lots of lovely single guys this evening - I'll be on a plane to Dubai.
lol am so laffin glad am from cheshire.. oops stoke.. redface will have to check me birth certificate now dam!! hey thats a good idea start a club i quiet like bingo.. :P
wonders if dippergt750 got any more men to fuck her .. :lol:
Like I said......lots of aggression and attitude and spite! Do you take everything this personally I wonder. My partner was very interested in your remarks about him sucking cock! Very mature! Why do the moderators on this site continue to allow you to make these personal attacks? It does break their AUP.
On a more personal note, my partner wonders if you would be quite so agressive if you were not miles away and protected by the anonimity of email? With what reason do you accuse him of being gay? And what gives you the right to be so damned violent?
Sweetshy....I'm up to 9 now...
Looks like insucurity is rising its wee head again. He who shouts loudest and longest is always right. lol :lol: :lol:
Guess there will not be a bi-night then dippergt750 if you open a club???
Quote by dippergt750
Like I said......lots of aggression and attitude and spite! Do you take everything this personally I wonder. My partner was very interested in your remarks about him sucking cock! Very mature! Why do the moderators on this site continue to allow you to make these personal attacks? It does break their AUP.
On a more personal note, my partner wonders if you would be quite so agressive if you were not miles away and protected by the anonimity of email? With what reason do you accuse him of being gay? And what gives you the right to be so damned violent?
Good shout..dippergt
Quote by BIoke
...You have little or no interest in having sex with ANY woman, let alone me, so forgive me if I have difficulty with your attitude.

Like like most of the crap you've posted above, that's once again, another assumption and huge generalisation.. you're quite sure of that are you, that I have no interest in having sex with women? Or is that another one of your massive 'I'm right and I know best and they are wrong' generalisations?
But one thing you are right about, I DEFINITELY don't want to have sex with you, not if my life depended on it to be honest.. and neither would it seem do many of the guys on here based on the fact that you're complaining about your poor response. I think in a past thread you said that some guys did actually show up and then went to the toilet in the pub and never came back... I went to see a car once off Autotrader and it wasn't at all like it was described so I walked away too.
And I'll say it again, my post had nothing to do with sexuality and everything to do with what I think is a dreadful attitude towards the single guys that had bothered to reply.
Hope you get lots of lovely single guys this evening - I'll be on a plane to Dubai.
Oi you took over this post, they didnt ask for insults or asked what everyone thinks about it so why dont you do one and stay in dubai
Thanks for the support guys!
If we open a club of course we would do a gayi night! Have you seen the cash they spend! <G>

Well i will be there, "Bloke" go away and hijack someone elses thread ....
Can't believe what I'm reading on here, you do like a rant don't you B1ker.
For information I met this couple a couple of weeks ago and found them both charming and good company. I thoroughly enjoyed playing with N and hope to be able to do so again soon, if it wasn't for the fact I work shifts and I'm already rostered on tonight then I would most certainly be meeting up with them again.
We all have our preferences, I myself am str8 and don't see why we should appologise for being so.
Hope u have a good night and get loads of cock N. Pm me when your next playing and hopefully next time I'll be free because as you know i'd never promise to turn up unless i knew I definately could.
Thread locked - getting way too personal/offensive.