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***Help! - Rugby again***

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11 replies
1 watcher
They're sending me to Rugby again! sad
The prospect of another night in a Rugby hotel with only three sachets of coffee and two shortbread fingers for company isn't setting my world on fire.
If someone out there would like to help brighten up my evening/night then I'd love to hear from you.
I'll be there tomorrow (Wed 28th) from early evening 'til just past breakfast on Thursday.
Go on.......put a smile on my face.
All the best Steve - shame I'm nowhere near Rugby rolleyes
All you people in the Rugby area - this is a genuine nice guy, he deserves not to be bored and lonely in his hotel room wink
If there is ever a guy who SHOULD have some company - it's Steve. Especially after all the effort he put in to make the NW Munch such a success. Come on people, give him a night to remember!! wave
Ladies, SteveG is definitely worth going to Rugby for. I only wish I could myself, or you wouldn't get a look in! And that is speaking from personal experience.
Sappho xxx's been almost 5 hours now....
Checks replies sad
Checks pm replies :(
Checks replies :(
Sigh.......... :cry:
Be patient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe all the girlies in Rugby havent got in from work yet - they still don't know what they're missing wink
What time do they get in from work bluexxx.....any ideas? rolleyes
I know that hotel feeling - VERY well. I spend half my working life in hotels these days! Mainly in Derbyshire and Yorkshire though!
Good Luck on your quest!!!
Alex x x
Quote by gmanxxx
Steve Enjoy the kip.... catch up on sleep...

Doesn't look like I'll have any option. I'll be on the road in 4 hours time battling my way through the ice and snow to what appears to be a swinging wilderness called Rugby. :doh:
I won't even be able to get on-line.......ARRRGGGH!!!! :upset:
Table for one please waiter....What's that?....Yes please, I'll try the Cobra....
....(I can hear the violins from here! :violin: )
Steve 8)
If anyone gets in touch after you have gone offline, we'll call you.
as one who spends half his life i hotels all over the UK i offer you my sympathies and hope that you get some!!
I sympathise with you hotel-user lot... I don't like them myself and try to avoid them at all costs. However, I will be forced to spend three days in one in April :cry: , maybe I should be asking for company now so that I'm not bored for the whole of the time. Mind you, it's in London, so things to do, and I'm going to check out some clubs - hey, I'm talking myself into actually considering that it might be fun after all 8)