For several weeks, a ladyfriend and I have had an invitation to visit a couple we know, for the weekend... Sadly my ladyfriend is now unable to make this. Which is a real disappointment because the 4 of us have played together before and we have loads of unfinished business.
So I'll probably be spending the weekend at home, alone, playing with myself. :wanker: Again (sigh)
Unless there's a lady reading this who'd like to join the three of us? We're 2 straight males, both the wrong side of 40 (ahem) and a rather lovely bi lady who's younger than us. Not only can we offer fun, but also good food, good wine, good company and a good laugh. Realistically, you'd need to be based somewhere in the south-east for the travel arrangements to be even remotely sensible.
Please feel free to drop me a line, early contact with the other parties can be arranged, to demonstrate that this is a genuine offer.