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Help with portsmouth munch....

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Many thanks.
However is there a link to a full terminology page?
I don't think there's a terminology page, I found that one in the FAQ, would be a useful addition to the site though.
hi All,
Note on pubs, the Croyden munch took place in a couple of 'normal' pubs around the bar, a noodle bar, and a bowling alley smile Amazing what you can talk about under 'normal' peoples noses without anyone caring... we even all had badges on with 'Munch Bunch' and our avitars...
So although a function room is a nice idea don't worry if we just end with a few social locations :) Still available to help BTW but no requests as yet... PM me if you need more hands (to organise, what were you thinking, hehe)
sexy male looking to direct a willing horny couple over the phone, let me talk you to an orgasm...both of you!!
Call Ben on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Edit: No phone numbers in the forums!!!
Quite new to the scene as a single male, but would love to get involved in your munch. I think your right, there isn't enough of it down here on the south coast. Lets get active.
Eddie biggrin
hi,lookingford to the munch,any 1 now of any good pubs,to have the munch at,,would a pub in the counrty side be better or a town type pub,,or a place to eat,,
could some arange some thing,,for play areas,there is a place in soutsea,that was used for fetish partys,havant been there for a few years,the thing is there is no swinging clubs in this area that i now off,i will there is a need for 1,,i now of a pub in winchester that that could be used,,,thats whear the winchester fetish group go to,and have partys etc,
Being a Munch we shouldn't need 'play' space. At least not at the event...
And Powderbloo in your first post you are called Ben and in the second one Eddie dunno
i will be her ein portsmorts till sunday .. sure like to meet som folks ...
any gals?
Quote by cutesperm
i will be her ein portsmorts till sunday .. sure like to meet som folks ...
any gals?

sad Don't you realise we are trying to organise a MUNCH here cutesperm (The name say's it all :( ) not a place for you guys to get a qiuck shag :wanker: Try putting a simular silly ad in this section yourself mad
I wonder wether you read (ooops sorry your male arnt you ) yes READ what this was about in the first place ?:wanker:
Whilst I am in agreeance with you re cutesperms posting dont you think your reaction was a little OTT...???
Quote by Powderbloo
sexy male looking to direct a willing horny couple over the phone, let me talk you to an orgasm...both of you!!
Call Ben on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Edit: No phone numbers in the forums!!!

No I dont as both he and this idiot seem to think its a posting for a free shag :mad:
Quote by BiFemHants
I wonder wether you read (ooops sorry your male arnt you ) yes READ what this was about in the first place ?:wanker:

'ooops sorry your male aren't you' - come on BiFem, lets not tar everyone with the same brush.
smile Oh I don't hun trust me up untill the silly little sods like those two try it on sad Come on peep[s I thought this was a good idea to start with as I thought it would be a great idea for people in the same area and further afield to get to know eachother and put faces to names etc but it seems , and trust me i'm not taring all singles with the same brush that you will always get a few idiots who try and spoil things :( ( by the way surrey hun the organiser I think and those willing to help him are single guys :) so not all bad eh kiss
Anyway gripe over lol. Still waiting for Pete (PJ) to get back again and I think now that he has had a couple of offers of help biggrin
so when is the munch,every 1 keeps talking about it,cant u just say meet up in a pub some whear,
Well it`s not too far afield for us. We won`t be able to afford to stay in the area, which means Mars won`t be drinking, but I`m sure if it`s not too soon that we`d be able to go. It`d be good to meet a few who live closer smile
Hi Paulhants,
Things are afoot, plans are being made, but remember it ordinary people doing this who have a. not done it before, b. not got lots of time to organise, c. Only human ;)
If you know of any good locations PM me and I will PM the others helping try to pull it together. Obviously locations and suchlike cant be in open forum but will go out by PM to those who expressed interest.
We will pull it together, it all comes down to how much we want to do on the day, and also how many are going.
watch this space
A quick run through shows 13 users have popped in a message to this this thread, some obviously couples so we not looking too large an event that a good size pub couldn't take us.
Out of interest the Croyden munch (All hail Heather for pulling together) went on from lunchtime with various events. The itinerary ran something like
1pm - meet pub
2pm Train to bowling alley and bowl afternoon
5 pm Another pub (i think, memory hazy on this)
6 pm Food (A noodle bar)
8 pm back in pub for rest of evening
People arrived throughout the day, some could only do the afternoon, others early evening, some did whole thing. It made a good day and bowling made a good ice breaker. The pubs made good easy to find central points so you knew where the group was at certain points to join up. Coupled of course with everyone having the organisers phone number.
Hows this sound as an idea for Portsmouth Munch 1? If that wat ppl had in mind we need a couple of good local easy to find pubs with parking, maybe outside the town centre, a social event to do in the afternoon, somewhere to eat, and finally an evening pub, maybe near a nightclub if anyone wanted to party on.
I'm not local to Portsmouth enough to know the local pubs, but happy to put together a list of options to pass to those closer if people want to PM me. Obviously exact times and locations wont be put in open forum.
that sounds a good thought,,i dont now portsmouth that well,i live nr winchester,there is lots of places to eat, to eat in portsmouth so thats a good thought,
i wasn't really going for a shag .. just looking for ppl to meet up with .. to feel more local and feel how's the english are socialising
aggrrhhh ...
Okies so we got 1 positive vote for the meet, social event, food, pub route... Anyone else up for it?
To be honest, I`m not sure if we could afford all that. We are saving for the NW Munch, but if it wasn`t too soon, we`d give it a bloody good go!
Perhaps we could just turn up for a few beers smile
sad Really am getting curfuffled now (ok I know its not hard )as to WHO is organising this :shock: Firstly I though it was PJ then VFR wanted to help now its seams TallnHairy is ?? rolleyes FFS why don't we all just agree to meet in a pub somewhere like the Old Vic in pompey (A Swingers Pub) on a Fri or Sat Night have a few drinks get to know each other ?? Easy innit ?? All we have to do is arrange where to meet ,pick a date and time, find out the numbers interested in going and go for it. lol
Don't be curfuffled please BiFem. You right PJ is still the organiser at moment as he the first nutter to put up his hand.
I have been talking with PJ on this via PM, I am just trying to run some suggestions around to get things going so I can feedback to him. I am too far away to know local pubs, hence request for suggestions and some ideas on what we want to do. If you know a good place for the evening BiFem great, lets get that firmed up and we cooking with gas so to speak. Send me some details on PM or call me on my mobile (PM'd you the number) copying PJ.
I am busy as anything in sept and by the sound of it others are as well, how about 1st weekend in October, I know it a wait but once the add for our event up we need people to have time to register. This an add for help rather than the event itself so as soon as we have a date I suggest we get it locked and launch a new thread dedicated to our munch, whatever we decided it to include.
I am happy to pull this together if no one else has the time but I don't want to step on any plans other people have which is why I was just running suggestions around at the moment.
I have put together a list of those who posted interest so far, and started pulling in ideas but I wont 'take over' unless asked.
well that soun d good the old vic,never new it was swingers pub, thats intresting im not from portsmouth,whear is the old vic,?,,,how about next friday,then
Quick point, times and places together not a good idea in the open forum. We look like we got some people to organise so I suggest we do it in PM and we can put an add up for the munch with dates but not locations. At least this is how they normally go.
If people up for a quick and dirty this pub, this time, next week open meet that fine but a more planned 'munch' still be fun later smile IMHO anyways...
It is the same as dogging, keep the details to those going only, that does take time, but then do you really want the whole world knowing where you meeting so they can come look at you?
Thanks to those who sent ideas on where to go, I have passed to our man on the spot PJ to look through.
Hopefully one or the other can feed back soon.
Right folks after many exchanges of ideas and views on locations etc seem the majority are happy to meet at a pub (and a soon as possible ) so im am proposing we meet on either friday the 30th or saturday the 31st for a drink and a chat .
If people could pm with a preferd day lets say by friday evening then once i have an idea of numbers and the day to get best possible attendance i will pm date time and venue to suit.
As people are keen to meet as soon as possible there is no real time to organise a range of events as posted by tallnhairy but i hope to arrange something along those lines with his help should we want to make the munch a regular event down here.
Hope this is ok with you all
P.s please do not post any location details on the open forum
yes that sounds good the friday or the saturday the 30th or the 31st,,may be we could pm eatch other to arange a pub,thats suits most people