hi people a few drinks and a natter, anyone fancy it.
a good old sing song drink and fun
Yep...sounds like fun...PM please if you would m'dear...
please pm me details thanks in advance
well at the min i am lookin for a place if anyone has recomendations let me know
hi there people well i was thinkin about romford area any ideas on a place drop me a line you fantastic bunch of people
this is just an event so that people from here can meet people they have spoken to and not met.... could be fun
Glad to see you are getting over your nervousness, Tinksy. It's a pity you didn't go to the Rios meet or the Essex Drinks meet that you put your name down for, as you would have found that we do welcome newbies!
As for pubs in Romford, I don't know the area too well, but I'd avoid the really busy binge-drinkers paradise/semi-night club ones on South Street, maybe I'm an old fogey, but I can't hear myself think in there.
I second that it's a big place (I used to live there and cycled through most of it :!: ) and now I live North of it it's even bigger because places like Southend are forget it jobs from here but other bit are possibilities for me.
Harry Jones
Harry Jones - are you following me????
bbw xxx
i will pm everyone with location nearer time so i can get replys of whos cummin....
Just to clarify I am not avaialable on 16th for drinks, I am decorating my place with my parents, I got to excited at rare female attention and started crossing threads.
I'm tired, night.
Harry Jones
thanks to tabbi your location is a yes i would say
hi there people i am afraid i am gonna get caught in a corner on my own in the meetin place on the 16th with not one person but my shadow...poor me.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
i know its mid week not the best time but best i can do
hi there people the meet will be in brentwood so come along and have a orange and a natter
hi there peeps i am sorry but i seems no one but m wants to play on the 16th
hi there howis everyone today good i hope
i couldnt turn up due to gettin my daughter for a day or two...... idrop everything for her dont get to see her much due to work...sorry
but between work and trying to get time with my daughter i dont get much choice
i am new to this.....come on i am learning as i go
maybe i will leave the arrangein meets to the professonals
Well I would love to come if it still on. Hope to hear from Y'all