ladies and after several attempts to try and win over your hearts and failing miserably i have now put on my webpage ,which once you see im sure you will agree that im the hottest guy on this site. this might sound big headed and arrogant ,actually it does ill start again
hi im jonny 25 from manchester looking to meet females and couples for fun and exciting times,everything considered,just pm me if your interested, im also a dogging virgin,anyone want to take my cherry,lol
catch u all soon
ego deflating, thats imposible im full of helium weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
if the sound of a munchkin turns u on pm me
pwwwww pity your not staying over in the kent area ........... could do with a 27 year old to eat :twisted: :twisted: yummy
in here just over a week and claiming to be the 1st in line to the thrown
leprechaun thinks u shold start and apply for the position of sh court jester as u seem to be giving a large number of people here a good laugh
as for hotest guy in manchester probably dew to your frustration at your lack of response lol oh well at least u made me smile
I'm afraid anybody who talks in upper case is not hot. They're cold. Very very cold.
Even if i lived in Manchester, i couldn't claim to be "the" hottest guy... top 10'000 maybe but... :P
Talk about blowing your own trumpet ..... i bet he would to if he could reach
I have to agree with you salt n pepper time to blow you trumpet I think
cant blame a guy for trying ,and god does love a tryer
I always think its other people to decide whether your hot or not and not yourself,thats deep isn't it,but true,think about it johnny.