house party here on 25/8. had a few b4 & those who've been know the drill. cples only, already have sgle men, sgle ladies please be genuine, been disappointed in the past. anyone wishing to attend please email us on here we will give details of party etc once list is arranged, there is no charge but u need to bring your own drink & if u want to stay over please let us know, there is a limited amount of "bed" space, sfter that it's floor or caravan/tent etc - that's unlimited it u have your own!
Harry hun you're always welcome, can always teach the volume switch to automatically go to silent if the cd player recognises Chas & Dave lol.
Since the original post it has been decided to make this a masked party (read into that as you see fit) but should be a laugh. Should be 4 playrooms & a communal area, plus if it ever stops raining a huge outdoor area.
Can you please count me in charley. hopefuly i will have a lady friend with me as well and an i book a room for the night please lol.
look forward to seeing you both and hopefully meeting a few more new faces.
Harry are you still singing combine harvester lol.
See you soon
Rocket + 1 xx
Harry, hoping u all better soon hun, parties never the same without u!!!!! Rocket, u can't "book" a room , lol but if you're staying over u r welcome. not many interested so it might be cosy & i will guess all the masks, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
OH! Harry pants on ya head hun????? Not sure they maketh a mask........... relying on you to take care of the post hun as we're away now till Sunday night. I put you in sole charge of the guest list - will review when we get back XXXXXXXXXX
I shall look for a mask Charley xxxx
we would love to come if thats ok plz get in touch thx
Come home soon charley the brain has gone
ok I'm back! will check out everything & reply after we've eaten xxxxxxxxxxxxx Harry u r a star xxxxxxxxxxx
ty Harry, it was. Jimwwfc please send private email to us, would like to chat b4 party. now back in land of the living lol!
Hows it going charley ?
U got lots of sexy people coming ?
Thumper xxx
hi charl lookin 4ward 2 ur party hope lots of peeps r going.
well folks r still being a little backward at coming forward but jimwww & swingcouple r on list along with some other peeps we know not on this site, plenty of time yet tho.
come on all u cpls sign up 4 sum fun lol
Looks like we now have another 7 cples interested in coming along with one possibly two single ladies-more to follow (shame cples on here not so interested)
OK, great friend has been getting much better replies from another site than we're getting from here BUT soapsuds r now def & they're terrific fun. Harry hoping u r now well, pvc pants as a mask will not cut it with us lol & music needs to be first class - your dept hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Welcome back Thumper, hope your holiday was good. Keeping fingers crossed here for 25/8 xxx