It's party time again, folks

This time, the party will be held to celebrate moving to our new house.... well, OK, I'm lying.... who actually needs an excuse to host a sex party........... no excuse needed - let's just PARTY!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
As with our previous parties, it will be a proper hardcore jobbie........ although you are not required to join in every bit of action going, I would like to warn you from the outset that you will see both gay and straight sex, lots of cross dressing, maybe some bondage..... hell yeah.............. LOADS of all of the above............. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
DO NOT ask for an invite if you are easily offended!
As well as a sex party, there will be lots of laughs, lots of booze and yeah.............. loads of Vodka Jelly :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The date will be Saturday 17th September.
We live in near Chorley, Central Lancs.
The new house is larger than our last one so I am setting the limit for attendance at 50 people. I say again, PLEASE do not ask for an invite if you are easily offended. Preference will be given to those who have attended one of our parties before, or who I have met personally at other events. If you are very new to the forum, PLEASE do not bother asking for an invite as I will say no, sorry.
There will be a theme for this party but I am keeping it secret for now!

If you would like to come, leave a message here rather than PMing me please. I am rubbish at keeping up with PMs so when compiling the list I prefer to look down the thread!
And yes Leprechaun you are the first on the list! :lol:
The List (Updated 16/9)
lucyslovely (staying)
freckledbird (staying)
Thomas (staying)
Vicky_UK (staying)
lovecommando (maybe)
midlandsman1970 and new2trot
Nomad_Soul (staying)
sarflondoner (staying)
Horneyoldtart and Mister_Discreet
Jas-Tim (staying)
firehott00001 (staying)
antwest99 (staying)
marmalaid (staying... with his BIG blow up bed :shock: :lol: )
tattyxpx, postie and jucylucy (staying)
Naughty Wigan Couple