:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
The list is once again completely up-to-date and we REALLY are closed now, really sorry if you haven't got your name down in time, but this has been on the forums for the past 3 months!!!!!
Looking forward to see you all tomorrow, should be an absolutely top night!!!!!
Scarlett xxxxx
I've done it, I've done it, I've done it - or at least, I do hope I have - sent out all the invites I mean!! If I've missed you off and you've confirmed then I do apologise and if you send me a PM I'll whiz an invite out to you.
Soooooooooo looking forward to next weekend - although still not really sure what to wear, other than of course my usual corset.
Seven Sleeps to gooooooooooooooo
Scar xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Helloooo Yorkshire Munch Bunch, it's that time when I must inform you that Confirmations are needed please for Yorkshire Munch in Leeds on 22nd August.
Either post on the forum to confirm or send me a PM if you prefer. Those who have asked to be put down as provisional - fine to let me know a bit nearer the time if you're unsure as of yet.
We still have some spaces left - so sign ups still welcome, but I would ask that you only sign up now if you're pretty sure you're going to make it - as I'll do your confirmation at the same time.
Invitations will not be sent out until a week before the 22nd August (so the weekend of the 15th/16th) and that's when the details of the venue will be sent through.
Looking forward to see you all
Scarlett xxxxxx
Yorkshire Munch in Leeds
It's time to party again!
After the fantastic success of our first Munch (and you know it was YOU GUYS who came who made it so good) we're having another one - which will take place on....
Saturday 22nd August
7pm to 12 midnight
In a private venue in Leeds
(approx 1 mile from city centre)
This date has been very carefully selected - so we can all join in the birthday celebrations of supersnogger Gillianthe1st and goddess Lailah.
The theme for this one will be "Professions", and of course it doesn't have to be your own profession, can be anything you like!! From Firemen and Nurses, to Secretaries, Bakers and Haberdashers - anything goes!!! As always with these things dressing up is absolutely not compulsory. The bar and other staff at the venue are aware that we are Swingers - but as they aren't, (well - not all of them!!!) I would ask that you keep your bits covered please.

The location will be sent out by pm the week before - and you are reminded that this is to be kept strictly confidential. I have a list of nearby hotels and taxi's - if anyone would like this information send me a pm or post that you'd like me to send it.
The Munch is open to all members of the site who are regulars in either the forums or the chat room and who joined before 1st June 2009. However, should places still be available nearer to the time, I will open this up to others who joined the site after this date so long as they have become regular posters or chatters in their own right.
For anyone who has not attended a munch before, and for some of the regulars who may have forgotten the definition of a munch, the following link will be of help - http://www.swingingheaven.co.uk/terminology/munch.html
There will be a charge of £5** per couple and ** per single to attend to cover the cost of the room and the DJ. Any money left over will be split between the DJ and the Bar Staff and receipts will be available for those who wish to inspect them. (And yes - before you ask, we have secured the services of DJ Vanilla once again!!!)
So all that remains is for you to sign your name below and look forward to meeting everyone on the 22nd.
My bestest buddy and top girl Gillianthe1st is helping organise this - so if you see either of us in chat and have any questions do please feel free to ask.
Scarlett xxxxxxxxxxx
** - please note, we've had to put the price up!!! I'm really sorry about this - after counting up after the last munch, we were sadly rather out of pocket. Unfortunately we plan these things based on the number of people who say they'll come and confirm, so due to the number of no-shows, although we made enough to cover the room and DJ, not enough to cover all the extras that were provided. It's not a problem - and rest assured, the extras will all be there at the next one - but we really would like to be able to tip the bar-staff and DJ this time, as I think everyone who attended would agree they did a fabulous job. If anyone has a problem with this, please feel free to discuss it with me via PM.