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ipswich social meet

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hi, have added you to list, will send details later
hi have added you to list will send details a little later
hi all,
please feel free to put your names down for this social, would,nt want people to miss out, the more the merrier.
looking forward to seeing new and old faces x x x ps will sure be bringing some raffle bits to
we can rely on your surprise donations to the raffle,lol.
just keep it up, u know it makes sense.
ty sidfoxy, u r a gem, x x x .
hi guys, it will be my first social so please be gentle, can i come please, from marsbar!!
thanks guys!!! x
marsbar we have already added you to list when you asked last time, np
Quote by dockedearth
hiya philandcaz.. can you please put me down for it too

oo hope ya make it
still time to put your names down for this social event, dont be shy, we dont bite,lol. come and enjoy an evening of relaxed chat, etc.
hope you all got the right pub name now
yeah we have ty see ya soon we counting the days all ready
cant let this slip too far down list,, as its local and im sure there must be a few more from this area who fancy a night out, come on dont be shy ,, we dont bite honesly,
hi sandra, have sent mail to you, re; friend, np.
hi I would like to b there,don't no if sidfoxy put my name down thx mrsuds
hello, new to this, please include me....Bryan
hi all, not long now till social meet, still time for any other couples etc to add there names.
mr suds, living_suffolk, have added you to list, hope to see all of you who have asked to come.
dont forget the date, 25th april,lol.
just to remind you all of the date.
We might be able to make this one :P . Ukcupple have met us, but please don’t let them put you off from extending an invite to us :twisted: . We aren’t THAT bad wink . I’m not sure how we’ll cope without Harry Jones in residence, as we’ve yet to attend a social where he hasn’t been busily endearing himself to all and sundry, but we’ll muddle through I’m sure :cry: .
We’ll not be able to “confirm” until a little nearer the time so I hope putting ourselves down as a “maybe/probably” doesn’t pose a problem?
hi dd, we have added you to list, hope you do make it, will be nice to meet you,lol.
could you put our name down. new to this but willing to try new things smile
Quote by mrsuds
hi I would like to b there,don't no if sidfoxy put my name down thx mrsuds

oooo goody hope to see ya soon x x
dds do hope u both can make it,, sure we can survive one way or another lol
have adde wecum2gether to list, hope to see you there
DDs - its not that bad really - theres always a corner to hude mrs uk in. Be good to see you again xx
I owuld like to be invivted if at all possible, I would be coming as a single guy, understand if thats not possible.