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It cant be this hard!

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Hi I need advice Have been lookin for ladies or couples to have some uncomplicted fun with for sum time but am having no luck. I am not a freak , but am 100% genuine. any pointers as to what I need to do or where I may be going wrong? confused
If you're genuine as you say, get to know everyone in teh cafe section of the forum.
Have a good bucher's (meatballs....geddit?) at the previous threads to get a feel for the way people operate and teh nonsense that is said.
Then introduce yourself and get involved. People will soon get to know who you are and you can see how things develop.
No guarantees of course but a bit of witty repartee, scinitlating wit, honesty and patience should help you.
After my frist post I thought I better let you all know a little bit about me. I have been happliy married for over ten years, I am 6' 2" med build with a gsoh. having only been with my wife I would like to broaden mine and possilbe her horizons and this seems like a good place to start. I know from looking at other postings that everyone seems to be looking for experiancebut please note everyone had to start some where.
so thats a little bit about me I hope to be hearing from more of you soon.
regards Rob smile
Hi there meatballs
Well, if you really are genuine, then you will stick with it. Unfortunately there are an awful lot of timewasters around, which makes it all the more difficult for us genuine people to prove that we are sincere, and thats not just for single males, it goes for single females and couples too.
You need to just start chatting to people, in the forums and in the chatroom too. Then when you feel a bit more comfortable, go to one of the meets and just say hello to people.
If you're looking for a 'quick fix' I'm afraid that I don't think there is one, but if you are as genuine as you sound then just keep on talking to people and see what happens.
Hiya Meatballs wave Welcome to the Forums
A lot of people are like you and get fed up with the whole thing - I thought I would give you the flip side of the coin and jot down the options from my angle (single girl) ok wink
Choice 1: Arrange to meet a guy/couple alone that you know nothing about, half of you is shitting yourself you're gonna get murdered/ /attacked.
Choice 2: Arrange to meet a guy/couple you know nothing about, but go somewhere public. Half of you is panicking that even tho physically you like each other, you may not have anything in common whatsoever in the personality stakes. Cue the hideous awkward silences, no laughs and general feeling of uncomfortableness before you've even got your kit off.
Choice 3: Arrange to meet a guy/couple that you have known and spoken to for weeks in the forums, got to know a bit about each other. Meet for a drink, have a good natter, a laugh and know that whatever else follows is a bonus, not guaranteed, but if it happens it's because both parties want to - not because they feel they should just because they had arranged to meet via a swinging site.
For my piece of mind the there is no other option for me apart from the 3rd one. Apart from the love of sex, I am also pretty sociable, and have to have a combination of the two.
This is just my personal viewpoint, I know there are several others that do like the anomininimity (sorry tongue got stuck round that word confused ) of it all - but even then, most of them only meet others from reccommendations or reputations, so a total stranger still doesn't stand much of a chance.
Hope this helps you see the bigger picture. wink
Good luck, and have fun!
thanks for the advice I will try and stick with it. Any more advice wil be greatly recieved.
Myself and my partner are new to this too but we started off looking in the cafe for people to talk to. Everybody's really friendly and willing to give advice and help build up your confidence. Talk to some couples in the cafe, swap pics and chat, it makes for some good fun on the net and who knows where it leads?
Set up a new thread on the cafe and we will respond! for chats :-)
As you're in Norfolk and if your wife is also interested you might like to pop along to Euphoria one evening. It's not a club, it's a naturist B&B near Dereham but you'll meet other couples and start to get a feel (so to speak!) of what it's all about. Clint and Angela run it and will happily chat to you over the phone first.
tahks for the advice wife NOT keen so are they open to only males?
I've not been on here very long either Meatballs, but I've found it very easy to chat to and PM people in the Forums. Most people seam very friendly.
I know I'm going to get some stick for this but we are never attracted to people who don't spell correctly and have lots of typos. Maybe it's the teacher in me (erhem... no comments please) but we have always wanted people who we are able to hold a good conversation with. Good English skills are a good indication of a person's intelligence.
I know some people do have problems with English, but if you know you do, then type it into Word first, do a spell and Grammar check, and then copy and paste into here. And there is a preview button for the posts so you can check what it looks like and whether there are any typos. (let's hope I haven't put any into mine)
smile hubby always tells me off when I correct people, must be the teacher in me also. Most of the spelling mistakes people make are when the words are homonyms; they frequently confuse their, there and they're. Spell check wouldn't necessarily pick these up as mistakes and even if the grammar check caught them, maybe there would still be some confusion as to which one they should use.
P.S. there are intelligent people out there who simply cannot spell, but that doesn't mean they will be unable to hold an intelligent conversation with you!
Frecklebird. I know you're right of course, but we have never yet (fingers crossed and bum squeezed tightly) had a bad experience with anybody, and we have become good friends with them as well.
I think we all have certain criterion that we stick to, and I suppose that is one of ours.
I know some intelligent people cannot spell, (you probably know that English teachers are the worst because they see so many words spelt incorrectly) and maybe I am being a bit harsh. But I think what I really mean is that blatant bad grammar and spelling CAN be an indicator of what we are looking for. Everybody makes mistakes (I think I did once lol ) but you can still tell whether they are of a certain level of intelligence by the overall structure of sentences, and the general level of coding used in their replies.
Why do I feel that the saying about holes and digging is about to bite me in the ass?
Facilitator. Generally I agree with you and so does my hubby; he said more or less what you did, in other words though. Was just trying to say, don't tar everyone with the same brush I suppose lol
P.S. you did indeed make a mistake once smile but I didn't like to criticise a fellow teacher rolleyes
Have we just hijacked a thread by the way ????
Quote by TheFacilitator
I think we all have certain criteron that we stick to,
Why do I feel that the saying about holes and digging is about to bite me in the ass?

Only two errors rolleyes
Not bad for a teacher lol
Quote by niceguysdoexist

I think we all have certain criteron that we stick to,
Why do I feel that the saying about holes and digging is about to bite me in the ass?

Only two errors rolleyes
Not bad for a teacher lol
Thanks. I knew somebody would spot it. Corrected!!
But the second is meant to be colloquial
Do you only have one criterion ?
Or more than one = criteria ?
P.S. I do hope you're not offended by this biggrin
Quote by freckledbird
Do you only have one criterion ?
Or more than one = criteria ?
P.S. I do hope you're not offended by this biggrin

And I did check with Mrs Fac as well
Best forgotten now I think. I just knew this would happen
I was never very good at english at school and due to my ocupation I do not get to use a keyboard on a day to day basis, so I am sorry if this is aproblem to you.
Don't take it to heart meatballs - I think they were only joking :thumbup:
Oh good grief and lordy lordy! I hardly dare post anything now. Although meatballs, I think Freckle made a very good point, does your wife know you swing? It's one of the things you need to be really honest about. To some people it really won't make a difference and they may be happy to meet you alone, but most people on here (I hestitate to say all because I can't speak for everyone), will ask for honesty. You have to remember that you are a guest in their lives, and that any untruths you tell could affect them, especially if Mrs Meatballs finds out and isn't happy!
Think about it.
Meatballs you might want to take a peek at the 'terminology' link on the left, it does give some definitions as to what swinging actually is as well as some questions you should be asking yourself. As Juliett said, some swingers would be happy to play with you as a single male, provided that your wife is aware and happy about the situation. If she isn't then I think people might avoid you, in case of any hassle. Also, if you lie to her (which you will have to, to explain your meets) then you are endangering what you consider to be a happy marriage.
Aren't we straying off the orginal point, somewhat?
Is everyone away on their holidays or something, or are they all out in nation's carparks?it's very quiet in here!
I agree it is defo straying off the original point. However, there is a valid point in there somewhere about honesty. Tough cookie but gotta be done somewhere along the line.
And please don't point out my typos and grammatical buggar-ups :small-print:
As long as you're not a member of Al Qader, that's okay (is the spelling of that correct?)
Thank you for that, I hate making mistakes
Quote by meatballs1970
Hi I need advice Have been lookin for ladies or couples to have some uncomplicted fun with for sum time but am having no luck. I am not a freak , but am 100% genuine. any pointers as to what I need to do or where I may be going wrong? confused

Don't want to depress you but just go to the ads pages and take a look at the ratio of women looking for men to men looking for women - enough said I think. confused
PS: good luck anyway!