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July Scottish Munch

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17 watchers
Quote by FOXYFEM
might have to come along to show steveg_nw how to drink

Is that a challenge???? drinkies
guess i'm showing just how new i am to this but here goes....
whats a munch? confused
Only 20 days to go lol , anyone from fife planning a meet up before heading over the bridge. confused: :?:
Anyone from Glasgow area want to email, chat or meet before the Ed munch ? PM me and we can take it from there, otherwise see you at the munch.
Welcome Sam, if there is a better definition of a Munch, let me know, but being new to this too, I guess it's just an excuse for some likeminded folk to meet up.
Hi Glasgow Simon, you were not wrong with your definition of a munch, but there is a better definition:
Im sure we could make it to a munch in Scotland. Where about are you planning to have this munch and when in july
:cheers: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: :bounce: :cheers:
Can you beeive its only 3 weeks to go now - I am sooo looking forward to meeting you sexy scottish folk
:cheers: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: :bounce: :cheers:
Ha not really anyting to add was just checking to see how my new party outfit looked in the avi
Quote by steveg_nw
Is that a challenge???? drinkies

I'm bringing my yard of ale then - I bet FOXYFEM could drink you under the table no worries lol
Quote by celticq
I'm bringing my yard of ale then - I bet FOXYFEM could drink you under the table no worries lol

As long as you don't fill it with heavy (I never could get a taste for that stuff) I'll take that bet. You've got to promise that if you do get me drunk though, you won't try to take advantage of me by taking me back to my hotel room, ripping all my clothes off and taking it in turns with FOXYFEM to do naughty things to me. I want to be sober if that happens.
Hi, Im gonna sound stupid asking this I bet but do you have to be invited to a Munch or can anybody go? MY bf and I are thinking about it but Im nervous.
Hi if you look back over the post pages and find one by jfelidae pm to register your interest and hopefully if there are any spaces left you will get a reply good luck I'm bringing a Keg of heavy for steve get u so drunk u wont remember a thing lol so when you'r unconcious I'll pinch all the Ladies hehehe Celticqueen come to Daddy Lmao cya guys soon XXX
i am definfly going to the munch.. but i have not had my invite yet... lol please.... lol
okay... so i am going to see how a munch should be run....and then cack myself when this one goes really well!!!!!!! biggrin :D :D :D
sean xxxxxxxx
ooh I am soooo excited about this munch. I cant wait. This will be our first one and god I am looking forward to it. 69position
hi all munches
cant wait for the 24th
my first time
i feel a bit silly
but what do you wear clothes wise lol redface
Well we are wearing what we feel comfortable in ..I guess every1 else will too steve ;)
Although wont tell you what it is lol
cya ya there
Take care Lucy/ken xxxxx
Hi there just thought i would see if the orginisers of this much will let me come. I am a 26 yaer old West lothian Male into Voyuering with cples. I just like to watch so this much would be great for me to meet some scots cples all into the same thing. Please please can some1 get back to me with an invite and i would be most greatfull. Luv n'Stuff HS XxX
we are both going to the McMunch lol took alot of begging i may add redface see you all then just 16 sleeps :bounce:
Hi guys and gals, feck sound like Jimmy Saville, lol. Anyway if there is anyone looking for accomodation after the Mc Munch i suggest you book very quickly as the Edinburgh festival is on at the same time and accomodation is quite scarce as i have found out trying to book for other Mc Munchers. One good site is they still have a few rooms just off city center and its only for a double room. So get booking now if you plan to stay. Alternatively there are still one or two places left in B/Bs close to the meeting place. If you require any help catch me in the chatroom or pm me and i'll see what i can do. Cheers for now 16 days and counting hehehe.

Hi edin
Thats brill!! looking forward to see meeting you ,, and everyone else :rose:
Love Lucy/Ken xxxx
Still waiting for a reply , can some 1 tell me who i need to speak to as i want to see if i can get invited to the munch. Get back to me at
Yhx HS
can we get a list of who is all going plz ty
this can be posted or pm lol
nite all j xxx
can we get a list of who is all going plz ty
Hi, sorry - but no, as I have told you previously I would not feel comfortable providing a list of those attending. If people wish to pm you letting you know they are going that is there choice. I will not provide their names though without their permission.
Quote by celticq

Is that a challenge???? drinkies

I'm bringing my yard of ale then - I bet FOXYFEM could drink you under the table no worries lol
Woohoooo Celticq you know me so well already !!!?!?
steveg_nw, u will have to remind me when it is going to happen
erm sorry must have been hubby u told confused
hi there , been lurking here for a while and i'm interested in the edinburgh meet.
Quote by jdms
Hi guys and gals, feck sound like Jimmy Saville, lol. Anyway if there is anyone looking for accomodation after the Mc Munch i suggest you book very quickly as the Edinburgh festival is on at the same time and accomodation is quite scarce

Guess you were right Jdms (no room at the inn for us sad So wil have to travel back afterwards..But hey guys still looking forward to the anyone getting together for a drink b4hand ? If not cya there peeps drinkies
love Lucy/Ken kiss
I cant believe its under two weeks to go to the McMunch!!. We are both looking forward to it but slightly apprehensive(s*****g it!!). look forward to meeting everyone and having some fun and finding out a bit more about this swinging thing. confused
I would ask that you be gentle with us - we're swinging virgins wink
look forward to seeing you all
im for it give me an e mail to let me know of the wereabouts etc im an asian male straight