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Forum Virgin
please add me to your social pete
Forum Virgin
hi grotmeister,
we have just found ourselves with a babysitter at short notice and are thinking about coming to the social. more ppl no me as lustybi (lustybi's playroom lol). could you put us as a possible & give us details of venue pls?
Burny or Brian208 would love to come if in West Kent? biggrin
Forum Virgin
hi grot
can u add us to the list sorry its a bit late tys
Tracy / Shaun
Forum Virgin
i am new on this i would be grateful if u can call me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx tell me a bit more pleaseand whereabout is it please
mods edit: You maybe new, but you've been here two years and the rules apply to you as anyone else. No phone numbers anywhere on the site.
Forum Virgin
can u add me to the list yes i have been here to years but just register as member
Master of Sex
hi grot
just like to say thanks for a great evening, well done xx
boblisa and luvz2lic
Warming the Bed
Good moaning Grotsters,
Just a thanks for organising a nice social worship
Warming the Bed
Hi Tina and Chris
A big thank you for a great night last night.
Amanda and John
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to all that turned up. Sorry if we missed chatting to anyone.
Really enjoyed ourselves, hope you did too and thank you so much for the card a lovely thought!
Big thanks to Kels for organising the music, it was fantastic.
Tina and Chris xxxxx
Tina Chris
Thanks for yet another gr8 social, you two are stars
Thanks again
Ray and Kels xxxxxx
Warming the Bed
Thanks guys for a fab night yet again
Master of Sex
Thanks to the Grots for all their work in organising such an enjoyable evening, and to everyone else for making it such fun.
Warming the Bed
hi Grot
i missed out on friday from the messages above you organised a g8 do. went down thursday with stinking cold was tempted to still come but unfair on you lot spreading my cold coughing and sneezing.
i well pissed off i ended up missing everone was so looking forward to the evening.
Thanks for the message Al. Was a good night but would have been even better if all had turned up. But thanks for letting me know the reason why!
There will be other opportunities hon
Tina xx