Hi all
who is going to Kestrels this month, feel free to out your name down. This obviously does not mean you necessarily want single guys, just a convenient way of letting others know.
It has been getting busier on some days, lots of fun and can only get busier with this weather strarting to improve... does nnot do us guys any favours!! lol
take care all
hey will be there on 15th april if that any help :high-smile:
nice one why, hoep you are doing fantastic.. that is a wednesday i think?
am thinking about going on the 17th april as it is my birthday.
Kestrels is in Stanwell, nr heathrow airport. look up abfabparties and you will find
all the best
I am sure we will be there a couple of times this month, we will def be there on the 15th for Zena's party and also looking to be there next Tues 8th as well fingers crossed. Might even get there tomorrow afternoon but that depends if Ian is feeling any better. Looking forward to catching up with you all
looks like i'll have to revise my plans & go on the 15th.
Great stuff, be nice to catch up again.
was there yesterday and cpl of cpls and few sisngle guys there
all the best
sorry bubbly , just realised i missed the part in your message about ian not been well. Sorry to hear it and tell him i hope he gets better soon!
eihter that or you have worn Ian out! lol
take care
Hello... Will be there Tues 8th April... also Whygirl xx