aww looks like i cant come bev n paul sorry wud ave loved to have had a beer wi you 2
right yea tart put us down to come after last week i aint going to miss yours yea sexy thing mmmmwwwhhhhaaaaaaaa xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
oi KNOB we mite roll up uninvited,,,lol
hi bev
put us down for the social plz hun
luv stevenshaz
We couldnt come to the last social but would love to meet you all next time.
Can we come !
Lucy & Andy
oooo its filling up now lol....and bubble paul says are u calling me sexy or him? lol
Hi Beaver
pop us on the list please seen as its just down the road lol
Dave & Kate
hi beaver is there any places left if so can u put my name down
plenty of space so spread the word lets get more names down lol
Beaver, sorry to say but I shant be able to make this one Hope it is as good as the last..... see ya all soon
update the social is now subject to being cancelled due to lack of response and alot of the genuine ppeps who i know would attend are away on hols or busy with work so just so u all know will seee how it is nxt week thanks xx
UPDATE>> is now on so those who have their names down i will be mailing tonight details...otherwise please spread the word xxxx
Hi all names Paul am 27 from Rotherham, would like to see what you all get up to, and meet some lovely people, see you al there.
right think have mailed everyone details...if i have missed you off i apologise mail me and i will send them on oh and would appreciate some confirmations please thanks xxxxxxxxxx
hi ya beaver
add us to the list after the sheffield munch we would love to meet all the same bunch and more - had a fantastic time at sheffield and cant see why we wont again mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Monty & Jessy
xxx xxx
Hello beaver, you can put my name down, sounds like a giggle!!
Hi there
This would be my first social if you allow me to come that is .... please .....?????
put me down beaver.. not sure if i can make it though... will try
I've love to come to the Social if its all cool with you guys... have a drink or three and discuss world affairs....LOL Joking apart.... it would be nice to meet you all in person... SX
elloooo you should all have mails by now xxxxx
Just to let everyone know whos attending on saturday that there will be a couple attending who have been previously banned from sh... however they maybe attending the social...formerly known as 'Nuttans'...ian and deb may be there on saturday....still have many friends here and we all hope to see them on sat
beaver i only live 2 miles away i know its a late call but i `ll pm you
after speaking to merry id love to be invite to the social tomorrow - please
hiya bevvy hunni
we know its late....but is there still room for 2 ikkle ones?????????????????????????
we would both like to come this saturday
can we can we pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz??????????
love merry and agsol :swingingchair: