Ok after some deliberation we have decided to arrange a party night at a club in the nw. we have got special arrangements for single guys so that they do not have to pay membership for the evening unless they like the club and wish to join. There will also be a buffet for nibbles for the evening. Prices for the evening will be couples £10 single males £20 single females free. Hours of opening will be 8pm till 3am. I am getting together a list of hotels but as am not from the area I don’t know too much about the quality of the hotels or prices etc. but mail me and I can pass on the list to you. Please also be aware that the night I have chosen is the first sat of the month and the club operates a fetish/ swingers night but have been assured that the regulars are a non pushy bunch that are only too willing to show off their toys and techniques and be very helpful about giving advice to curious folks. People will only get the discounted rates on the door if given the password and names are on the list … anyone passing on the password to others who have not got names on the list will still be charged a membership so get your names on the list to qualify.
I will be compiling a list of names and will want confirmations by Friday 24th sept so that the passwords can be sent out. Please remember that only names on the list will be issued the password and only if your name is on the list will the males get the discount of no membership fee.
I am advertising this function on other sites but all list will have members names from the site they asked to come on it and all lists will have accurate numbers on them. There may be banned members from this site going who have asked to come from another site so please be aware.
We have no connection with the club and are only arranging a night for site members benefit and make no money from the event.