Just to confirm I'll be there
yes will deffo attend, but will need details of venue pls, thanks.
hi hun
i gonna bring friend also will be her first time oh yeah
Hi guys
sorry i cant come, double booked and going to the bbw event, which I put my name down for before.
we will be there hun , also have you got hotal list
kerry & gary
hi bob lisa
rjc_1 eg Susan richard will be there
hi put us down too pls would be fun to come along thanks
Its a yes from me and hopefully a good lady friend of mine too,her first ever party !
great cant wait to see you all xxxx :evil2: :bounce: :taz: :swingingchair:
hi just want to confirm that i will be at the party looking forward to it rayanna xxx
hi you two, got the adress, cheers. but cant see my name on your list, would not want to turn up and not get in, lol. thanks
just confirming my attendance, thanks boblisa!
Sorry guys we won't be there have a great night!! xxxx
sorry lisa, i can't come.
Hi Guys
I confirm my attendance and look forward to a fun evening.
hi there would it be ok with you if i bring nat with me we both would lov to came xx
hiya very interested, will confirm soon
nice chattin 2 u both
Put me down for a birthday surprise to you xx. Look forward to seeing your birthday surprise. Confirmed