hiya Vicky
Will definately be there hun
I have a funeral to go to in the NE so wont be back in time and wont be in the right frame of mind anyway .................... sorry
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry you cant make it Fred n blonde
those who have confirmed should now have all the details
if you want my mob number just pm me i will give it to you ....to use on the night
Sorry I missed your name off Linda you can slap my hand on friday lol
Hi Vicky
I'm definitely coming but might be a bit late as I'm coming straight from work
No problem Jas take care hunni
see you both soon xxxxxxxx
Just to let you know the SH basdge / pins, will be available at this event, should you wish to purchase one.
Ask Vicky for details on the evening.
Hi Jo and Lee, not sure if you remember me, WILKO, from NthWales, we met upnr a resevoir and had a thousand cars follow us.
Jo initiated me into the world of dogging, and what a night it was, unfortunatly I had to give it up the ex didn't like it, but she has gone now, so I am back.
Unfortunatly I can't make Friday because I am working, but would love to hook up with Jo and Lee again. I was even hoping last time to be able to accompany Jo to one of the swingers clubs in manchester, Cupids I think when Lee was on nights, hoep the offer is still available, you can initiate me intot hat too Jo.
Any offers from Couples and single Females most welcome, I am genuine, and am discreet. As have mentioned above have met people from here and other dogging/swingers sites so can be trusted. Particularly looking for a permanent female partner if that is possible ..........
now that REALLY is a shame Jo ..... woulda been nice to have met up again ...
Well hope you all have a blast tomorrow evening.
I shall be off in amsterdam for the weekend breaking my amsterdam cherry hehe.
Please try and leave town intact as I'm off there in a few weeks for the yearly street festival.
Hope you all have a good time. Enjoy Liverpool it's a good night out if you go the right places.
Im out myself tomorrow night- i could stand next to some of you and be non- the-wiser!
Anyone needs any advice of places to go just ask, ill be happy to help.
Thanks for all your kind Wishes its a shame you cant make it
Jo im glad youve got a lift will be nice to see ya hunni
cheeekyNoir your added see you tomorrow
wirral_guy your added see you tomorrow
oh and Wilko.....use the pm system not my thread for getting a shag if ya dont mind lol
sorry Vicky .... LOL
when ya see me ya can spank me real hard ok?
been called in to work as sick cover so wont be able to make it and bf wont go on his own.
Have fun liverpool great city for drinks
jane and paul
Just wanted to say the same as SexyJo and Linda had said, special thanks to Vickyuk an Omar for organising last night. We had a great time and it was nice to see some 'old' faces again and to say hello to some new ones.
Thanks again.
I'm gutted that I couldn't get a sitter for lst night, and isn't it just bloody typical that I have one for tonight! I reckon cisco should get back to wishy's asap and drive back oop north for tonight's social in Manchester http://www.swingingheaven.co.uk/swingers-forum/viewtopic/54076.html :lol2: