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Liverpool Social Drinkies Friday19th August

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Just got home.
Massive thanks to Vicky, Omar, and Scandal.
That was my first sample of Liverpool hospitality, and it was marvellous.
Wasn't the barmaid a peach. Remembering which drinks we were having without having to be asked - very impressed.
Two of the funniest thing I've heard in while -
"It's the sweetest pussy you'll never taste"
and from the same person (unrelated)
"If I'm lucky, touch wood - or Formica"
I had a great time.
Thanks Liverpool.
And thank you to my companion (?) for the evening kiss
I'm not sure who was most surprised wink
Vicky and Omar thanks for making sure it happened in the end kiss
Everyone else, thanks for fab. night, it was great to meet se some of oyu again, to meet some of you for the first time and finally put faces to names!
Most EXCELLENT nite out..... big round of applause :happy: and thanks worship for Vicky and Omar.... was indeed a night to remember...
As for the barmaid HERE...def worth a visit... hope that she signs in and gets started up with us.... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Freckles... glad that ya bum is not hurting but I can and will fix that the next time I see you... Just need a venue that allows me to get a proper swing in..... :swingingchair:
PeBbLeS&DeMoN.... fantastic to see you again...
Dammie... nice to meet up finally...
Sazzle... Next time I WILL not be so nice when you ermm TRY to find pressure spots and hit me in the back of the head....
Wishmaster... what can i say mate other than... SMACK..or ow ow ow ow.... pmsl.. :giggle:
As to all the rest that showed.... Thanks for the handshakes and snogs passionkiss and hope to see you next time.
OY Whaddaya MEAN there sum police sign outside the place now??? :shock: :shock: :shock:
I claim innocence due to my ermm being an American.... HEHEHEHE.. :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Honest officer I was with these loverly lasses shacked up shaggin...... hump :hump: :hump: :hump: :hump: :hump:
Mistress Sassy.... soz hun.. .didnt get our drinks together.. ((evil genius mind at work)) means that we will just have to get together again soon to rectify that...
Oh well................ lets see what the london one is like............. **grins**
Ok found this thread now.......
Big thanks to Scandal for kicking the event off....
To Vicky for being the perfect hostess,as always kiss
To Omar,for finding the venue..Just wish we bloody could :shock: .We asked one policeman, one paramedic,several locals and not 1 of them knew where it was :!:
But once we finally got there,had a great time,it was fantastic to meet some new people and of course always a great laugh with those we already know biggrin ....
Just a shame it all ended so quickly for us latecomers sad .......
We promise to be more prepared next time!!!!!!!!
See you all soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
can I say a BIG ty for everyone who turned up, you made the night by being there
Big thanks to Scandal for starting Omar for finding the venue for us well done babes kiss
Really enjoyed the evening, Im pleased you all did too
all apart from one will remain was persuaded to leave early.
Venue was good, the bar staff great fun, I think we all had a good laugh.
Look forward to seeing you all soon
Pebbs n Demon although late you were a blast as per normal thanks smile
Big Thank you to the people. who could not for some reason attend, and have let me know via pm
You were missed
to the others, dont be suprised if you dont get an invite to the NW Munch im organising that too
cisco - ty babes :kiss:
love n hugs
Vicky xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear All,
Many thanks for all those lovely people that turned up. Many thanks to Vicky_uk for all her support at the 11th Hour as without her this would of never happend.
Now for the roll call:
1. ciscocat6k: You Sir are one in a million. Star of the show & the next Liverpool event I'll do will be July / August 2006 & you shall do your thang I promise. Also did you let the Barmaid know about the joys of Swinging Heaven, if so well played.
2. NWFreckles: How madddd that we both we to the same school & lived in the same area confused: Don't worry we'll keep in touch & next time get back at that wicked 'cat'.
3. Naughty Wigan Couple: Am really sorry about those roadworks & you guys being late but well played for keep trying lovely to meet you both.
4. Sazzle696969: What a dress & I'll be PM'ing you. :twisted:
5. mistress sassy: Thanks for a lift & am very impressed sexy with brains = perfect.
6. Lindaxxx: Hope your Saturday night went well & good luck with the future. I'll PM you with details if you want to meet in the Townhouse.
7. SexyJo: As always so lovely to meet you, my lady & you looked very nice.
8. Wishmaster: Yesh, I did like you even if you support a ugly football team :cry:
Anyone I've missed out sorry but you were all great, I'll be seeing some of you sooner but thanks lovely night,