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London Mini-Munch (Saturday 29th October 2005)

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Hi all,
is there still a place free for tonight ? Haven't checked the Forum for a while and would be interested to join...
Hi Helen,
We are really sorry but Missy and I are not going to be able to make it today sad
Missy has sent you a PM.
Hope it all goes well and we will definitely be at the next meet!!! :cheers:
Speak to you soon....
David and Missy
Quote by davidmad4it
Hi Helen,
We are really sorry but Missy and I are not going to be able to make it today sad
Missy has sent you a PM.
Hope it all goes well and we will definitely be at the next meet!!! :cheers:
Speak to you soon....
David and Missy

Hope it's nothing serious. Sorry to have missed you.
Unable to attend this meet boys & girls; with regret.
Some othertime.
Arrived at the munch and was chuffed to get a name badge with my avatar on biggrin
I spoke to a few people on arrival, but from then on I utilised my usual hopeless social skills, by spending the entire time chatting to a chap I know and completely ignoring all the gorgeous womenfolk present, apart from a very brief chat with Captain Flack (avatar reference) until I had to say my goodbyes at 2225 to leg it back to King's Cross for my last train at 2304.
Another good munch under my belt and I look forward to many more such occasions, thanks Helen.
Harry Jones
Yes, thanks for me too, Helen. Shame I couldn't stay to see more of those charming naked dancers.
It must be disappointing for people like Helen who put time to organising these get togethers to have something like 40 or 50 name badges uncollected by their owners not turning up.
I know there will be good reasons for not getting there for some people, but I'd like to think the organisers don't put all their work in for someone just to not turn up on a whim.
Moan over.
yeah thanks helen it was my first and you made me feel very welcome. biggrin
thanks also to celtic for easing me in gently :D
and too everyone else I met it was a pleasure :D
oh and to the naked lezzy dancer worship
yeah I know shallow
but I am a bloke :D
Quote by markz
oh and to the naked lezzy dancer worship
yeah I know shallow
but I am a bloke biggrin

What naked lezzy dancer confused: Dman you BR sorry I mean WAGN for having such an early last train back lol I knew I should have driven. sad
Harry Jones
Wish I had managed to guys seem like fun and had fun too biggrin
Blinking hotels in London too expensive though sad
Are any of you going in March?
berks yes I am going to the next one
yes harry and very pert they were too
smoking jim and tatty actually went down to the club
I'd have danced naked if I'd have known it was allowed, that would have helped the lovely lady who on spotting me at the munch said "Sorry Harry I didn't recognise you with your clothes on", but I was being a well behaved at a social Harry :!:
I have to say I'd like to be at the March one, but it does clash with my very local beer festival (I can walk to it), but then again I've just seen the invite list so I am very tempted, will depend on what I manage to do with my finances between now and then.
Harry Jones
I'm determined to get there in March, all the other munches are far away, at least London isn't too far. I will get saving biggrin
Shame you missed out on the naked pole dancer (I also thought that munches were supposed to be events where you behaved....but maybe that was after?)
for your information, BerksBeckz, we were on a mezzanine floor above the regular Gay Club Halowe'en Party, and their code of conduct was clearly more relaxed than ours!
Awww sounds like you all had a really good time biggrin
I just got back from Cambridge/Northants, am absolutely knackered but did manage to think about you all. Think my Brother can do the hospital run next week rolleyes
hi everyone.
a BIG BIG BIG thanks to helen for orginising this social.
as i 1st timer, i was very nervous, but was soon put at ease.
thanks to mikec, who i 1st talked to, and then met fembernie, them rollo tomassi.
then chatted to the world famous cyclist harry jones.
a bit dissapointed he didn't have hi s bike or flat cap with him.
well, he said in was in his jacket.
a big thanks to smoker jim, who i had a good chat to.
and 2 more people for putting at ease, were tatty and lorraine.
so thanks everybody that turned up.
shame that more could not come.
helen, great time, hope to see u again, sometime.
and well done.
cool 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Quote by berksbex
I'm determined to get there in March, all the other munches are far away, at least London isn't too far. I will get saving biggrin
Shame you missed out on the naked pole dancer (I also thought that munches were supposed to be events where you behaved....but maybe that was after?)

pole dancer??????? where did that come from?????? unless your calling the other girl the pole :D
Quote by tabbi
Awww sounds like you all had a really good time biggrin
I just got back from Cambridge/Northants, am absolutely knackered but did manage to think about you all. Think my Brother can do the hospital run next week rolleyes

If it's any consolation I thought about you to. You should have taken five minutes out for a coffee at Cambridge Train Station, there was this special posh old train Northern Belle there about to do a run to York and back, a cheap lunch at £180 per person. I even attended without my brown socks etc lol
Harry Jones
Thanks to all who turned up, it was a great evening. If any of the no-show/no apology people are reading this, you need to be sorry twice - once for letting Helen down, and once for yourselves for missing out on things!
To clear up the confusion about the topless dancing... The venue was quite spectacular (and I really hope the low turn out doesn't prevent a return), being a huge balcony/mezannine bar suspended over the middle a trendy nightclub, where a lively haloween party was going on. We didn't have any access to the club, and the clubbers didn't have any access to the munch, but we could peer over the balconies either side of the munch area and see what was going on downstairs... and during the topless dancing downstairs, quite a few of us did! So munch rules were strictly followed, and everyone upstairs was indeed strictly social only... even if it is a little anti social to line up along the edges of a munch facing the other way wink