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London Munch - 17 September - CANCELLED!!!

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94 replies
6 watchers
Can we have an invite pleeeessseee!!!
How did I miss this? Please can I come along too? Almost local for me, other side of the river biggrin
Hurrah, Looking forward to it! Must remember to get that Smashie & Nicey wig down outta the attic and give it a good brush out, likewise the heels! Finally I will be a tall (ish) person for a night. Hope I don't fall over.... redface
I'd be delighted to get an invite to another local munch and meet up with a few friends again as well as seeing some new faces biggrin
Me too please, I'd like an invite.
John smile
Please please please can i come??
Quote by sexyjess23
Please please please can i come??

will be nice to see you there jess
So who is wearing fancy dress???? and if so as what?
Bernie cant believe I am not on the list hahahaha I will be there lol
Would luv 2 cum 2 your munch wink :wink:
New, but only one way to get to know everyone properly.
Haven't been to the Capital for ages
Quote by beebeep
So who is wearing fancy dress???? and if so as what?

I am gonna wear fancy dress - don't know what yet but an Abba girl is a good possibility - maybe short dress, platforms and a long wig :happy:
Quote by corriefem
Bernie cant believe I am not on the list hahahaha I will be there lol

Oppppss - sorry Corrie !! redface
Instead of doing new lists, I am just gonna edit the list already shown to show any changes. See above for updated list.
could we please be put on the guest list
so how does one get invited to a munch then?
ooh, we probably missed the boat, but if not, may we be invited as well?
sara and geoff
Can I come too please FB? Promise I'll be good. Well, unless I'm provoked biggrin
Thanks very much.
Would love to come too....!!
I've just noticed that i am on the reserve list. Thank you, i'm so honoured - here me thinking that i haven't been here long enough to be on any list ... biggrin :D :D
Quote by Maia
I've just noticed that i am on the reserve list. Thank you, i'm so honoured - here me thinking that i haven't been here long enough to be on any list ... biggrin :D :D

Ah...........but will you still be here in September? You'll be a veteran by then. :D
Quote by steveg_nw
Ah...........but will you still be here in September? You'll be a veteran by then. biggrin

Ok Ok so where do I sign up for the SH veteran's free bus pass? Is there a waiting list for that?
N.B. Must get a shag in earlier than 4 am, i'm too old for these late night gropes
biggrin Sounds great, would love to come, definitely will be there !! put me on the list
Pencil me in please . . . I might have to go to Spain that weekend but if not, and I'm still active, I'd like to put my face around a bit . . .
I have been using this site for a while now - got lucky as well; just once only though - but i never joined the Forum. i am. Would love to come for the Munch in London on 17th Sep so if you can kindly put my name for it as well.
yes, please......i lie only down the road...
Hopefully not too late........ Pls count us in. We're a genuine cpl and can be vouched for I promise!!! lol
And we'll be in serious need of some fun by September. :twisted: :twisted:
Elli and P x x
hi can you take my name off the list sad
just ignore that
its ok
i can come
work sorted
dont take me off the list
:rascal: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup:
Excuse me...em... but I was wondering whether I could be added to this list. I see it as a great opportunity to meet you all.
That would be much appreciated.
Could i come too, please ?
ooooh can i come