Hi Loz,
I think I know the Spa you are refering to and would love to attend if invited. I am a member there and we may have already met there so it would be great to catch up. Will be visiting the place this week-end and chilling out.
I would love to come along.
Would love to attend if free on that day, could I be sent details please.
muff 1957 love tojion you
well hello there loz,
im upset i wasnt sent a personal invite lol.
i quite enjoy bubbles.
any space 4 me?
hi guys
I'm a virgin to SH meet ups and I love Spa's.
It would be great to meet some of you guys and girls.
Karon x
would love to come, be nice to meet some lke minded people.
Oh wow and oh joy!
Loz hunny, this wouldn't be our local friendly venue that you and I think it is by any chance ;) If so, please DO pencil me in big time!!!
I'd love to come join for a dip in some water!
You could well be on the right track there Ahabs ;)
Just confirming numbers etc and all invites will be sent via pm asap
xxx Loz
Hi,I would love to come. Hope my profileattracts you!
HI Loz,,,
With the wife away for the weekend in Monaco, I think I should recieve an invite to the Spa in Eastend........ I know where I would rather be,,,, forever blowing bubbles.....
Waiting for the PM....
HI Loz,
Received the E Mail but the link is not attached..
Any chance of directions on the E Mial in case quote a few links are missing...
Ooo we are all MIssing Links I know
im guessing im to late to ask for an invite, am usually in the kent room most nights.
would be good to put faces to the names