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Hi everyone!
I am aware there are lots of munches going on, and i am trying to attend one arranged by heather in Croydon. However......heres an idea. I am interested in chatting to other online swingers online and a topic where people can post a little about them and find out about any swingers local to them. what do you all think?
Well lets have a go. Also please do not PM people in rely to a post unless invited to do so. That way people will be more inclined to post their general location without being swamped!
Also.....if you are interested in being contacted by PM then please let it be known.
Good creamy lovng to you all.
Love Mark xxx
P.S I am Mark 25 from Oval in SW London. . I have pictures but only on request, and welcome PM's although genuine people only please. Fairly new to this however keen to meet other swingers both m/f and couples. Prefer to have a group met however for safety.
An excellent idea.
I know there are lots of couples in additin to single men and ladies who just wna tto meet for fun and to know that they are meeting safe and genuine people.
Let's see who else canjoin in and then arrange a meet for a chat.
I'm Steve 43 central London.
Hi..I am a new member and agrre with what you all say..I am looking for some genuine pople who want to meet for fun....I'm in Surrey so maybe I can get included too. I have posted my ad here and hopefully there is a few people who may want to meet up.
Quote by Mark197924
Hi everyone!
I am aware there are lots of munches going on, and i am trying to attend one arranged by heather in Croydon. However......heres an idea. I am interested in chatting to other online swingers online and a topic where people can post a little about them and find out about any swingers local to them. what do you all think?
Well lets have a go. Also please do not PM people in rely to a post unless invited to do so. That way people will be more inclined to post their general location without being swamped!
Also.....if you are interested in being contacted by PM then please let it be known.
Good creamy lovng to you all.
Love Mark xxx
P.S I am Mark 25 from Oval in SW London. . I have pictures but only on request, and welcome PM's although genuine people only please. Fairly new to this however keen to meet other swingers both m/f and couples. Prefer to have a group met however for safety.

Excuse me if I've missed the point here, Mark
You are trying to set up somewhere that swingers can chat and let others know about themselves and where they are? Isn't that what we do on Swinging Heaven? We have profiles, ads, a chatroom and forums - what more do you think you need ?
Also please do not PM people in rely to a post unless invited to do so. That way people will be more inclined to post their general location without being swamped!

You're setting the House rules now?
welcome PM's although genuine people only please

And who else would they be from?
Prefer to have a group met however for safety

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Best of luck Mark, I have a feeling you just might need it.
Erm, I think I've missed the point here.... isn't what Mark197924 suggests exactly what Swinging heaven does right now? confused
hi mark, james here from london. very much up for getting something going so keep me in the loop please if you get a munch going on.
That is a good idea, I am also trying to attend the Croydon munch. My name is David and i live near Croydon and would love to attend. I would love to meet up with people in the Croydon area so anyone interested in the Croydon area get back, and Sexy sexy Heather I hope you invite me to the munch
Mark... it seems a bit of enthusiasm has run off with you there. As Mal and Blue have pointed out we've got all that fixed up... so what's your plan?
Don't worry, the Croydon Munch will be safe and secure... I shall see to it... and you're very welcome to attend wink
hi there let down, you pestered me for two weeks with e-mails to meet in the hotel in berks and you did not even have the time to ring and say you could not make it (you had our number) i find it very hard that you could organise another let down. i waited until the eleventh hour for you no more babe, once bitten twice shy. by the way thanks for the guys that bothered to turn up and those that could not for ringing.
life is like a pubic hair on a toilet seat sooner or later you get pissed off. biggrin
Well.... biggrin
I think on that note, peeps will make up their own minds.
This thread is locked as I see no value can come to adding to it at this point.