Im from Hatfield and would like to meet a lady tonight when it is convenient for them.
Pms are welcome and i have pics of me. Im 19 5 ft 7 quite big built as i been doing boxing for 6 years and i have spikey hair and green eyes.
Quote by Fun_!!
maybe but i have pics for them to and im quite cute looking and i would treat that with respect
Quote by Fun_!!
yeah it sould be ok because im not a typical guy i would handle a meet in a professional way and a mature way and be very polite and respectul to whoever i met.
Quote by bluexxx
yeah it sould be ok because im not a typical guy i would handle a meet in a professional way and a mature way and be very polite and respectul to whoever i met.
Quote by bluexxx
yeah it sould be ok because im not a typical guy i would handle a meet in a professional way and a mature way and be very polite and respectul to whoever i met.
Quote by Fun_!!
Also get them to pay me??? oh my god your meant to know exactly what dogging is about so you shouldnt bring money into all this you need to get a few things straight about dogging and you should know better. When a meet takes place a few things need to be taken into consideration and thats what being proessional is all about.
Quote by SunBunny
Also get them to pay me??? oh my god your meant to know exactly what dogging is about so you shouldnt bring money into all this you need to get a few things straight about dogging and you should know better. When a meet takes place a few things need to be taken into consideration and thats what being proessional is all about.
Quote by Sexysteph
Does that mean an outing agina for the infamous double ender we saw pictured after your party or a larger version strappy coumming into play?
Damn where's the link to make his eyes water?
Quote by Fun_!!
yeah it sould be ok because im not a typical guy i would handle a meet in a professional way and a mature way and be very polite and respectul to whoever i met.
Quote by Fun_!!
Leave him alone!!!!!
Fun, you come to me and let me make it all better. Then Reese can make it hurt again and then I can make it all better again, then Reese can.. oh, you get the idea, right?