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Losing faith!

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31 replies
5 watchers
Been looking for someone for quite some time now, will the fake message and the never ending adding of fakes to our msn ever end ? Will our fantasy ever happen
sorry little rant over
luv Lou :cry:
Get yourself along to a swingers club life is a lot easier that way. biggrin
I am not what you are looking for, but please don't give up just yet. It will happen, I feel sure. Nip into the chatroom now and then, you might find your answer there. Good luck.
Sex God
Quote by fun4acouple
Been looking for someone for quite some time now, will the fake message and the never ending adding of fakes to our msn ever end ? Will our fantasy ever happen
sorry little rant over
luv Lou :cry:

sorry that you feel that way... i have been here on the site now for a year an i must say i have had a blast....have you been to any of the munches? or the parties.. or the mini meets?
saw that you are after a single bi fem... if you think that couples have their pick of single men... then single bi fems probably have their pick of couples.... such is life.......
you have been on the forums fo only about a month and i found that it does take while for people to get to know you... do you go on the chatroom? same thing.. took me a while to get myself know...
the more effort you put in.. the richer the reward.....
sean xxxxxxxxxxx
we know how you feel! we are slwoly loosing our faith.. but not ready to give up quite yet!
maybe we could set up a peer support system for those looking for single bi fems! lol!
good luck!
Quote by skegnessswingers
Hard tho it is to do without choking... we have to agree with Mr F. G. Jet...
Supply and demand... any experianced swinger will tell you.... you can count the number of single bifems that we have met on the fingers of a short sighted butcher with saint Vitas dance..... The ladies that are out there can have their pick....
Dont lose heart so soon either... we have always looked for couples, and it took us six months to meet someone fantastic from when we first started. Taking into count the more ready availability of couples, you have got to allow yourselves time to find that special somebody...!

Not to mention not grumbling about it rolleyes
Thanks for the advice, we dont mind posting on here and do go in the chat now and then. But the crazy thing is people have mailed us and then ask for pics and the after a while u start to notice they only after pics or want you to go on cam, or want you to tell them what you want to do to them! But no more then this grrrrrrrhhhhh lol
luv Lou n Ray
Ask them to send YOU pics first - tell them you prefer to see do it this way and don't want to waste their time.
There are a lot of pic colllectors around - it is best to avoid feeding them.
Good luck. xx
Quote by fun4acouple
Thanks for the advice, we dont mind posting on here and do go in the chat now and then. But the crazy thing is people have mailed us and then ask for pics and the after a while u start to notice they only after pics or want you to go on cam, or want you to tell them what you want to do to them! But no more then this grrrrrrrhhhhh lol
luv Lou n Ray

It's a fact of life on here hun sorry to say .
May I suggest you take your msn addy off your profile. It will help in cutting down the "Camers and Pic collectors" .
Best of luck in your quest wink
Quote by fun4acouple
Thanks for the advice, we dont mind posting on here and do go in the chat now and then. But the crazy thing is people have mailed us and then ask for pics and the after a while u start to notice they only after pics or want you to go on cam, or want you to tell them what you want to do to them! But no more then this grrrrrrrhhhhh lol
luv Lou n Ray

We have had exactly the same problem
I honestly can't believe any genune couple finds it hard to get a meet, my advice is go to a munch and get to know who the 'real' swingers from the site are apposed to the wonnabies, most real swingers will make a effort to get to know people in a none sexual scene ie the munches which are purely social, if people arn't prepeard to do this then bin them i'd say they not genuine.
Meeting someone at a munch and then getting back to them later to see if they want to arrange a meet has got to be better than endless emails and pic sending hasn't it?
Quote by fun4acouple
Thanks for the advice, we dont mind posting on here and do go in the chat now and then. But the crazy thing is people have mailed us and then ask for pics and the after a while u start to notice they only after pics or want you to go on cam, or want you to tell them what you want to do to them! But no more then this grrrrrrrhhhhh lol
luv Lou n Ray

and i thought it was just happening to me.........been let down loads of time mad :!:
Mailed me, asked for pics, what can I do for them..... what is it with people :!:
Think i'll remove my MSN & id .
hey dont give up we have a cpl of adds and we get loads of chancers,even been to mini meets and munches told ppl what we are into and still get the ppl we are not interested in mailing us so just keep at it it will come.
Single females get let down too!
Seriously keep trying guys n gals, it will happen (probably when u aren't expecting it)
As a single bi fem I don't meet couples, but have been known to play with couples that I know and trust but this trust has been earned through a great friendship over time.
As most have said, get yourselves along to a munch or social event and start meeting the genuine people here.
Best of luck
Sorry to hear of the bad time you have had,but there are genuine people to be found so stick with it and hopefully you will find what it is you seek in the long run. biggrin
Warming the Bed
hi ya folks...........well if your on about loosing faith as a couple then can you now understand how some of us genuine single men feel? I've been on here a while now too and am beginning to loose faith, but thats maybe because of some of the single men on here being D..kheads and making it hard for us and giving us all a bad name. Sorry BLUE for the bit of dotted out language hehe
Warming the Bed
Hi been on this site for a while had a few chances with mfm, but the last minute they called off. New to this still unsure about this site.
JJ redface
Quote by JJ123
Hi been on this site for a while had a few chances with mfm, but the last minute they called off. New to this still unsure about this site.
JJ redface

You have a PM :!:
Thank you so much for you replys nice to know there is people that care :thumbup: We have tried to take our msn off our add but seem to be having problems any advice please :shock:
God im tired been house hunting all day
luv lou xx
Quote by fun4acouple
Thank you so much for you replys nice to know there is people that care :thumbup: We have tried to take our msn off our add but seem to be having problems any advice please :shock:
God im tired been house hunting all day
luv lou xx

To take anything off your ad just go into Profile, amend and then press submit. smile
remove your msn addy you will need to edit your profile .
Thats it hun
The Kat's purrin' and licking his paws but that would be MMF. Still ever been licked by a KAT
I think that couples who are looking for single bi females should understand that it would be very foolish for a single female to meet with a couple she didn't know in this day an age with all the weirdos about.
hiya seagull
that goes for any female bi or not unless she has her partner along.
the KAT
in East Surrey
Quote by the KAT
hiya seagull
that goes for any female bi or not unless she has her partner along.
the KAT
in East Surrey

You could say it should go for single Guys as well to be honest. Singles should just be very carefull out there. To be honest as a couple we prefer clubs as it is a very safe enviroment. We have had a couple of experiences of meeting people off the internet one was with a single guy which was fine. We did meet a couple who quite frankly were a bit odd and it just made us think how dangerous it all was. So its clubs only for us from now on.
As a bit older guy I guess I have been lucky so far Seagull. But I do take lots ofprecautions - always talk on the phone before, meet in a neutral place before we get down to anything. always get enough info to leave an information trail.
But I am sure the day will come when I meet those weirdos you describe.
Have yet to try a club. Not really sure where the nearest quality one is located in the Croydon - Crawley - Sevenaoks triangle. (even would try Brighton).
Seems therre are much better ones up north as has been so often stated.
the KAT
Quote by the KAT
As a bit older guy I guess I have been lucky so far Seagull. But I do take lots ofprecautions - always talk on the phone before, meet in a neutral place before we get down to anything. always get enough info to leave an information trail.
But I am sure the day will come when I meet those weirdos you describe.
Have yet to try a club. Not really sure where the nearest quality one is located in the Croydon - Crawley - Sevenaoks triangle. (even would try Brighton).
Seems therre are much better ones up north as has been so often stated.
There is the Brighton sun club down your way. people have mentioned it on here. We have been to Bristol Gardens in Brighton which is really a naturist club but has a swinging element to it. To be honest we didn't enjoy it there. It does seem strange that there are loads of swingers clubs in the North and not down South.
the KAT
Don't want anyone to take offence to this before i carry on!!
IHiya im Gemma, im also part of a couple whos looking for a nice young lady and we have been quite lucky!! Obviously not all the replies we get are genuine but the ones that were we have met up wth!!Been absolutly fantstic!! Only thiong is we don;t use the forum! I find if you haven't been a memeber of it for yers people are very offensive and dont like newbies!! We use the foto ad's and it's worked for us.
I hope you do find what and who you want. Good luck and dont give up
*Seagull thanks for that I'll give it a whirl. I am a stranger (Canadian) and generally I have notice that I get along with people from north of the Watford gap a lot better than south. I am beginnign to think there may be a connection to what you observe as well, here.
*Gemmalou you are so right - don't give up - that's true for everything in life that you really want!!!
At the risk of being repetitious this has to be a game of numbers because there are so many fakes. Rather then get annoyed have a handy trash bin but cover the water front.
I was in sales for many years and the things I learned - qualify who you are dealing with and when something looks interesting stay with it. Follow up. Take time, be gentle, personable and POLITE. It helps to say thank you if even if you have had a nice rejection.
Its just as hard for the recipients of emails to judge if YOU are genuine as the other way around. The person who replied to you is no doubt drowning in the quigmire of fakes as well and has a life outside the internet (I hope) which keeps them busy too
When your original message is polite you will often know you have a time waster if there is no reply. If they are rude in asking for a pic ( no please or such) chances are they are pic collectors. Hey at the end of the day sex should be nice for every one. How can it be if people are not nice to each other?
the KAT
of East Surrey