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Lovely SHers in Newcastle/Southshields/Surrounding- Septembe

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Wondering if there are any nice friendly northerners who have a spare bed (for me and Miss_Shortcake) the weekend of the Great North Run?
We take cake with us wherever we go.. boink
If this is your idea of 'doing the cake run' I think you're in for a shock! :lol2:
Good luck though.... make us proud! :thumbup:
Quote by Cubes
If this is your idea of 'doing the cake run' I think you're in for a shock! :lol2:

Good luck though.... make us proud! :thumbup:

nope shes not running she's going to perv!! i mean spectate the runners bolt
Quote by Lizaleanrob
If this is your idea of 'doing the cake run' I think you're in for a shock! :lol2:

Good luck though.... make us proud! :thumbup:

nope shes not running she's going to perv!! i mean spectate the runners bolt
I promise to try my best not to perv or flirt with whoever hosts me; I shall restrain myself!! lol
And Cubes, thought you might put in a good word.. You've tried my cake and seen what I can do with a moustache :grin:
Assure the northerners they have nothing to worry about having me over!
I'm sure the Northern SH'ers will come to your rescue. They have always been very good for me on several Great North Runs.
Good luck and see you at the finish!! wave
If only it had been Sunday 22nd instead of Sunday 15th !!
We're ideally situated to get a metro to the start and not too far from the finish. Have not been able to put people up previously due to kids at home and needing the beds, but they have now left so have spare rooms.
BUT, we're just getting back from Cap on that day.
Really sorry we could not help you M1ssVery.
John & Shel
Quote by Geordiecpl2001
If only it had been Sunday 22nd instead of Sunday 15th !!
We're ideally situated to get a metro to the start and not too far from the finish. Have not been able to put people up previously due to kids at home and needing the beds, but they have now left so have spare rooms.
BUT, we're just getting back from Cap on that day.
Really sorry we could not help you M1ssVery.
John & Shel

Awww that's a shame! Especially since there would have been plenty to perv at as well :rascal:
But thank you anyway for considering us!! smile
Where are all the up north people??wave
Quote by M1ssVery
Where are all the up north people??wave

They're all on holiday down t'south! ;)
I'm running the GNR not got accom may struggle now too guess will have to stay a bit away and travel into Newcastle on the morning
You bump really well...
ain't it a bastard when folks let you down redface
Quote by Rogue_Trader
You bump really well...
ain't it a bastard when folks let you down redface

Hi I am doing the run too this year get in touch I might have a spare room for you both
Did you find a roof for the night yet?
Good luck with the GNR. I hope the weather behaves itself for you. :thumbup:
Well that is 5 of you now doing the GNR, so good luck.
You can have an SH social afterwards :giggle: lol
Quote by Sarah
Well that is 5 of you now doing the GNR, so good luck.
You can have an SH social afterwards :giggle: lol

we'll be too nackered to socialise, but not to wet to commiserate!!
Just setting off oop norf - good luck to everyone else running! :bounce:
(gonna be a wet one!!!)
Good luck, it seems the offical buses are moving the runners at the moment, and it is raining up there!