hiya horny sausage here can u put my name down for party hun ill come to it for sure
Sure thing. See ya there. x
Won't be the same without ya. See ya soon though. xxx
aw we off to chams with jo & lee maybe next time..
Hi, Could be interested. Will have to check diary lol.
could I have an invite please. Attended your last two parties, had a fab time.
put me down please horny, and a room for the night lol xx
Hi hun,
Not been before but would luv to try. Not sure if to cum as x-dresser or just bi male, any thoughts ?
will not be able to make it for get together.
Hi Hornylancslass,
After consultation with diary and found nothing planned, can ones name be put onto list.
Hi, love to join you. Think I know the way now lol. xxx
Hi Girls
N West Couple mentioned the party I'd love to come if possible
Regards Greystone