Anyways, I'll be in Manchester for two days, on the Thurs 31st March and Fri 1st April. I will be staying over in the city centre on the 31st and will be looking for things to do that night and maybe for some of the Friday as well

I know there's a while to go yet, and I'm keeping my options open - maybe a club, maybe a social drink.... not sure yet, but I'm just putting the feelers out to see who will be out and about that night :lol: :lol: :lol:
In edit: This thread is now dedicated to social drinkies on the evening of the 31st March. Everyone is invited (unless you are very new). The place is Manchester centre... I will send exact details by PM nearer the time. Please a message on this thread if you fancy it. PM if you want hotel details.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: