Hi all - not been about much lately and my life is desperatly in need of some sparkle. I'd love to meet up with everyone at this event if its not too late to put my name down.
Quote by mistress_sassy
And then you can invite you're old mate sassy to dinner too, all on expenses (his) of course. That may teach him some manners, and well if not, I think we may just be able to do that in other ways, don't you hun? :twisted:
Quote by blokeinnwnow
hi. jamie here in manchester. i have only just joined forum, but this sparkles night sounds great. do you have to be a regular in forum to be able to meet up? ty Jamie
Quote by djcouple
Hope its ok for us 2 to come along if so put our name down
Thanks djcouplexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Stuart_Tanina
There are a few of you out there who know us .
And, of course, you will know just how shy and retiring we are :scared: .
But if we promise to try and keep things lively, could we possibly come?
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Stuart & Tanina xxx
Quote by djcouple
Heres some more names for the list!
We were telling our very good friends PLC and NW-Rose what a fab night we have in the village with you nutters on previous occasions and they couldnt resist the lure of a sparkley night out in such scintilating company.
PLease please add them to list xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Stuart and Tanina - shy and retiring :giggle: whatever
Jane (the better half of djcouple) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by bluexxx
Any room for another littleun...if not can i come please
Quote by bluexxx
Any room for another littleun...if not can i come please
Quote by JudyTV
Any room for another littleun...if not can i come please
Quote by bluexxx
Any room for another littleun...if not can i come please
Quote by rachel-lane+peaches
due to red(rhg) having to pull out. i have found another apartment in the village so its closer than the other. so all those that are staying with cath and me originally are still on the list apart from the ones that have had to pull out. i have 3 places to fill if anyone is needing a place to stay.
if you are looking for accomodation and strugling to find a hotel room pls send me a pm asap
so i can put you on the list.
thanks x
x rache x
bring it on sparkle :thumbup: