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Mass raid on Club Raquel

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All those interested visit to Club Raquel's in Walthamstow on Saturday 4 September see the Club Raquel website for details of location and entry costs. As most regulars do not normally arrive until 7pm or later the idea is arrive about and after undressing make use of the various facilities
Anyone interested let me know
A link to the Club Raquel website would be good.
How about a group raid on Honeycomb for those of us in the South West?
Warming the Bed
sounds good,,i like to go,or even rios,,
Rio's is in North London......very easy to get to......
Then for those of us in the SW, HoneyComb sounds best.
We seem to have hijacked Stokey's thread!
Chick if you are going to hijack my thread you will have to pay an appropiate penalty. Such as coming to the Rio's visit. Any Londoners interested
Thought your original vist was supposed to be for Raquels' though Stokey?
If they rename it Club Rachel I might be tempted.
Or they might be tempted to rename it after I've visited...
Warming the Bed
hi what is honey comb,may i ask im sort of on the border of the southwest,,but is any 1 intrested about a meet at rios,in north london,the saturday is for couples only,,up untill midnight,any other time is fine,,
Can I check how many females and how many females are coming to this?
Sex God
I can't do September sad
Count me in for the next time tho :happy:
Have a good one Stokey kiss
Sex God
Looks like an interesting place - I always like to see jacuzzi's and steam rooms in a club, might even be tempted to do a quick session on the rowing machine!
Don't really know the area, only ever driven past the tube station in the past - how do you rate the availablility of parking around there?
Parking is good there is a car park next door to Club Raquel.
Warming the Bed
A word of warning to you all..........Club Raquels is not all it's cracked up to be !!
The owner is ill at the moment (not that he usually bothers) and his mother is "running" the place. A more un-hospitable host you would not find!
The place is in urgent need of repair/refurbishment. With outside jacuzzis seemingly just plonked down and plugged in!! Broken floor tiles, stinky, smelly carpets just add to the already tired decor.
The receptionists, although lovely girls (HI Fiona!), are told when answering the phone to "jazz" up the conditions/facilities/male-female ratio so more single guys turn up
Yes I have been there a couple of times(under the influence of Jack Daniels!!!) But sadly this is no place to reccomend a "fun" meet anymore...IMHO.
Need more info? please PM me.
Quote by bigTodger
The receptionists, although lovely girls (HI Fiona!), are told when answering the phone to "jazz" up the conditions/facilities/male-female ratio so more single guys turn up

Even if this were true - the owner told the receptionists to get more single guys to come (which seems highly unlikely - they would be more likely to try and get more single girls and/or couples and DISCOURAGE single guys
how would YOU know that?
Well I'm still going and if I'm surrounded by other women and couples in the outside jacuzzi (despite Fiona's attempt to get more single guys there)
I won't blame you.
Warming the Bed
Just being at the bar next to the telephone and listening to the receptionist saying to potential customers "oh there's about 6 ladies in at the moment", when if fact there is only 3, one being herself, the cashier from the sunbed shop next door, and the other the owners mum!! And them pulling faces, giggling about how clever they are at duping yet another one, thats how!
The fact is very, very few ladies actually go there (ratio of 1 in 15 is fair) , and to survive they HAVE to get the single men in.
I promise you the facilties are dire.
Saying that, you will probably go there and have the time of your life.......................but don't hold your breath!!!!! it's a long way from Brissol to E17!!!
Best wishes..........................bT.
P.S. Please let the board know how it went......can't wait!
Well I'm not going travel to London just for a club visit- as I said we in the SW can visit Honeycombs. This will be while we're in London, drop into a club.
Though the thread did start with Stokey talking about a group visit, so as always it's the people that make these things work, not the venue. The idea is to get there before the regulars do anyway.
As to whether anything gets posted afterwards, that will be down to whether the people who visited care to talk about it on the forum.
Bigtodger what makes you think I did not know what Club Raquels was like before suggesting a Mass Raid. The male/female ratio is no worse than at Rios.I assume from what you say you will not be joining us. On the point of encouraging males as they are currently giving free entry to couples for the summer I think you find it is couples they are trying to encourage.
Yeh, a club that tries to encourage MORE single males?
Who would really believe that?
Sounds more like the receptionists were laughing at the guy who was hanging round the bar trying to listen to their conversations, seeing how gullible he would be.
Well it may be a long drive from Bristol (not spelt with two Ss) but we get in free.
Keep us updated Stokey, see who else posts a positive response.
Warming the Bed
stokey boy,
I don't deny that the ratio is the same at rios and club rachels,but I didn't mention it at all!! most places are the same .
All I said (and it was IMHO), was that club rachels was a dive and not worth going to, never mind organising a "meet". If you want to go there thats up to you, I was just offering an opinion.
By the way,being at the bar is the only place to be in the place.....all other facilities there are pony!! (and no, I won't be joining you!!! LOL).
Raquel...........chill out, of course Bristol isn't spelt with a double "s". It's just that all of you carrot crunchers out west speak like that (IMO), and Brissol is the way you lot say it!!
I tell you what..........Go to the club Rachels , see what it's yourselves, and then get back to us and confirm what a s******e the place is.
Stokey boy, if you are that desparate for female company (like when you gatecrashed the girls day at rios!!), Go to giggles girls at ilford.....right up your back alley!!!
best wishes my luvvvers bT. from LAAHNDON.....xx
Warming the Bed
As we go to raquels when we can, we can confirm some of the things said, they do tell people on the phone about the facilitys they have, but dont tell them they arent working. The jacussi's are outside and only one works, so in colder weather there wont be any water facility at all, it is a bit run down, but the size and type of rooms make it far better than Rios for playing. Its problem is lack of people, in the week esp, we have been a few times this year and everytime its been dead so we havent played, but if a lot of people go from a meet arranged on here then it will be good, the viewing room will get a lot of use as will the large room with the double bed. Its people that make the place and if we can all get there then it will be a worthy visit, Rio's has more people in it, but they are all men and follow girls around like they have never seen one before, which is what puts us off going there that often.
Tracy(bi) and Richard
I think you're called "Big Todger" not coz you have one, but coz u are one.
I'm perfectly chilled - I get regular sex.
I'm not from Bristol, I just happen to live here at the moment so your childish "carrot cruncher" comments mean nothing to me, although trying to be deliberately offensive may upset some of the locals (have you ever actually been here?)
And what's all this "tell US" business - "us" is the regulars here - you are the newbie. And you might not be here for long if you don't start minding your manners a bit.
I think Mark, Blue and MissChief will back me up on that.
Well we're still all going, thanks to Stokey for organising it and no, you won't be joining us - you're not invited.
And as for de-fleaing - as you were the last person there - hanging round the bar talking to "Fiona" - you'd best be first in the sheep dip.
Sex God
Right guys, take a deep breath and a chill pill! lol :lol: :lol:
Todger, I've never been to Raquels so I can't comment on the state of the place, but I've no reason to disbelieve you when you say that the place is less inviting than it should be. Although this info is useful for people thinking about going, making personal comments about forum members arranging a trip there isn't the best thing to do if you want to get on with people on here! Your valid points will be taken out of context if you get too personal.....
Warming the Bed
Point taken Blue, just trying to get my opinion over in this instance!
Raquel.........Raquel.........oh dear.........tounge in cheek darlin' (no doubt you'll have a go at me about that!) Brissol is a lovely place to come from.........just that it's not to good to go to !! wink The Watersheds......Portishead.......getting stuck on the bypass......... picking up Daewoos from the docks(long story!)..................aaahhh memories!!!
So, no invite..........................DEVASTATED !!!!!!!!!
See you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bigTodger (you'd better believe it!!). biggrin
Would be interested here live about 3 miles from Club Raquels and would be like to see what is it really like. How about having some swinging heaven identification, will have to dig out the Italia shirt here.
Hey girls - a genuine Italian Stallion. This Raquels visit sounds better and better.
Hey I am a 25 yr old newly made Londoner, sure would enjoy attending the meet, so who/ how many people are going so far and when is it supposed to be ?
Warming the Bed
One thing to remember guys. Club Raquels is a members club, check the website for details, you will need to bring 2 forms of I.D. to get in and you will need to join up, the rule is that you cant enter the day you join, but they dont stick to that very often.
Tracy and Richard
And free membership for couples throughout the summer.
Where's Stokey anyway, it was him that started this thread.