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Meet at Kestrals Friday 16 ...

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Warming the Bed
Hi, we will be at Kestrals this Friday 16th around miday for some relaxation and more.
Do get in touch if interested.
Hay how you dong? just put up add for someone to come with me on friday..Only been the once.. Should have a lady coming with me.. but hay.. you never know on this sight...
Warming the Bed
Have sent a PM look forward to hearing from you
Warming the Bed
We will be there from around so do say hi :-)
Warming the Bed
I have had some fantastic days here during the summer months but have never been any other time. Now I know you are going to be there I think I will come along on Friday too.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Warming the Bed
I will be there braving the elements and hope to bring my partner for her first visit. Look forward ot meeting you