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Midlands Munch - 13th March

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320 replies
43 watchers
Quote by KitKat
Just take his wallet and go get yourself whatever your heart desires (um and a new outfit for the munch)
ps - you will look fabulous whatever you wear

Thank you Kit kiss :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
if you don't see me around for the next few days I am still shoppping :giggle:
hopefully I will be back for saturday
Dawn :silly:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
By the way Ian, (asking in public so I might get away with it) Can I have something new to wear been as I have arranged the munch? Dawn

Of course you can babe........ .
Quote by Dawn
if you don't see me around for the next few days I am still shoppping
hopefully I will be back for saturday

Betta be back for Saturday Dawn your 'Public' will be waiting for you wink
Dawn - keep up the good work lol :lol: :lol:
Only 6 days left, I'm getting excited!!!!
As some of you know, I'm planning to go to a club after the munch. I know some people are concerned about possible press intrusion, so if people are going clubbing and don't want to say so here, feel free to PM me :lol:
Good idea about the club........But.............. if it is one of the clubs we suspect you are talking about then they will only normally accept couples and single women on a Saturday night.
Is this the case?
If so no probs to us as we are a couple but kind of stuffs the single guys cumming to the munch!![/
I certainly don't want to go to a club where it's couples only night sad . I'm going to check the clubs and parties page right now to make sure that I go to one where single guys can get in too lol
help us please confused we recieved a pm about the munch and i managed to delete it DOH!!! can someone please send us the details or we may be the sadest couple in the mids sad :( :( :( thanx smile
So do we all wear pink carnations to identify ourselves, or something..?
hey dawn count us in just let us know where n nearest hotel ok
No you can come dressed exactly the same as you are on your ad then we will recognize you :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Oh darn, I've trimmed some of the hair off since then. Anyone recommend a good body-hair restorer..?
I can knit you some little wigs and I have sticky tape......any good?
Dawn :silly:
Sticky tape... ouch! surprised
When I was a teenager I actually wrapped a certain part of myself up in sticky tape... it was not a pleasant experience. sad
er.......why :confused2:
Dawn :silly:
You know how it is when you're young & curious... you experiment with things. :crazy: Sex, drugs, sticky-backed plastic... :smoke:
I missed out on sticky backed plastic, you think its worth me trying now? lol
Dawn :silly:
are there plans for people to be around friday night as well if so anyone got any ideas on what to do with ourselves ????????????
apart from the obvious lol
well we've booked hotel room so just need to know where we're meeting now and we're all set so see you all there
p.s are we all going on to a club if so where and whats the plan ????
Quote by Rachel80
nearish to one of our many beautiful motorways might help rolleyes confused:
Waits in antisipation...... rolleyes :thrilled: !! Fingers tap constantly on the desktop as he waits for that all important locationsize=12]
Corrie Wrote:
I've booked a none smoking room anyone care to swap

Hi Corrie,
I have a single 'smoking' room booked. It's a single bed only, but I'm willing to share, perhaps we could both 'Smoke' together.
You don't know what your missing until you try itl rolleyes :roll:
I'm not as good as I once was,
but I'm as good once, as I ever was.
:twisted: :twisted:
lol Hiya all you lovely people! we have a room booked too see you all there! pepps n menace xx
we are a couple from staffs mids we would love to come to the munch
my wife was looking forward to it unfortunately i deleted the details u sent on the pm sad
if u could send me the details again we would be soooooo happy thanx smile :)
Sorry, I had not got round to replying to your pm.
But I have now biggrin
Dawn :silly:
Yeah, im up for that too - count me in!!
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Sorry guys but due to the recent publicity, I will not be sending out any information on the munch to anyone that has only just joined the site. I've had a few pms requesting this and I don't see as I have much choice.
I don't want to see my face on the front page of the gutter press or more to the point, my family and kids don't need to see it.
Unless of course you are known to a site moderator or SysOP then you will be considered.
Dawn :silly:

Sorry to disappoint macca but but if you look back through the thread you'll find that Dawn has already been asked not to send out further details.
This has been an unusual situation and normally new joiners would be welcome to come. Unfortunately though you've joined the site at the wrong time. Stick around and make yourself known and I'm sure you'll be welcome at the next one.
(that is if someone can persuade Dawn to do a next one rotflmao )
Quote by steveg_nw
(that is if someone can persuade Dawn to do a next one rotflmao )

Now let me think about that.......... NOT ON YOUR BLOODY LIFE!!
Dawn :silly:
Not even for another new outfit and the eternal gratitude of over 100 people? :shock:
This time next week you won't be able to shake the feeling that you should be doing something but you won't know what. It's surprising just how time consuming it actually is. You'll get a lot of satisfaction out of it though. wink
HarryO dont know how to cut and paste yet to put in your reply so someone help me!. Thanks for offer of your single bed but I was hoping for a double at least! xx wink
Quote by steveg_nw
Not even for another new outfit

Thats not fair steve, I'd go as far as saying thats underhand.
I'm female for goodness sake and thats a cheap shot!
Dawn :silly:
p.s. can I have shoes as well? lol