Good idea about the club........But.............. if it is one of the clubs we suspect you are talking about then they will only normally accept couples and single women on a Saturday night.
Is this the case?
If so no probs to us as we are a couple but kind of stuffs the single guys cumming to the munch!![/
So do we all wear pink carnations to identify ourselves, or something..?
hey dawn count us in just let us know where n nearest hotel ok
No you can come dressed exactly the same as you are on your ad then we will recognize you :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Oh darn, I've trimmed some of the hair off since then. Anyone recommend a good body-hair restorer..?
I can knit you some little wigs and I have sticky tape......any good?
Dawn :silly:
er.......why :confused2:
Dawn :silly:
You know how it is when you're young & curious... you experiment with things. :crazy: Sex, drugs, sticky-backed plastic... :smoke:
are there plans for people to be around friday night as well if so anyone got any ideas on what to do with ourselves ????????????
apart from the obvious lol
well we've booked hotel room so just need to know where we're meeting now and we're all set so see you all there
p.s are we all going on to a club if so where and whats the plan ????
Yeah, im up for that too - count me in!!