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Midlands Munch - 13th March

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Hi Babes u know l would have love to been able to come to ur meet this saturday and it does break my heart knowing lm not able to................. so if u have another one l will b the first to stick my name down, book flights, and what ever else it takes lol :P
love ya loads babes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have the PMs gone out yet about where the munch is? - hotel is booked, but apart from that I'm clueless lol
Quote by sallyann
love ya loads babes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sweetheart you know I love you to pieces but not even you can convince me that easily to do all this again kiss :love: :love: :love:
Dawn :silly:
Have the PMs gone out yet about where the munch is? - hotel is booked, but apart from that I'm clueless lol

Well I guess I need to go find my list of definate's biggrin
Expect a pm sometime this evening :lol:
Dawn :silly:
p.s. anyone excited yet?
Can't wait! :: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
lol oh babes u wanna take bets on that, lm sure l can get u to do mosts things :P rotflmao hugs kisses
Quote by Dawn
p.s. can I have shoes as well?

Course you can Dawn. You can have anything you like but panties!!............ Ian, you'd best pay your credit card bill off mate, Dawn's gonna need it. biggrin
Quote by corrie
HarryO ............Thanks for offer of your single bed but I was hoping for a double at least! xx

Hmmmm......that's a tricky one.......Do I offer HarryO and corrie my room and I'll take the single bed or do I ask the hotel management to put some flowers and champagne in my room for me and corrie??? :twisted:
Quote by sallyann
lol oh babes u wanna take bets on that, lm sure l can get u to do mosts things :P rotflmao hugs kisses

Thats not fair you mare, sod off! You know I'd do anything for you mad
Quote by steveg_nw
You can have anything you like but panties!!............

Ok all I'll need is someone to carry my bags :lol:
Quote by steveg_nw
Do I offer HarryO and corrie my room and I'll take the single bed or do I ask the hotel management to put some flowers and champagne in my room for me and corrie???

Give corrie the single and you pair of big kids can share the double :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Now why didn't I think of that?!?!!! :shock: wanna borrow my scissors to cut up that credit card?? evil
(wondering who sallyann is?)
Quote by steveg_nw wanna borrow my scissors to cut that credit card up?? evil

for some reason steve, I don't think you liked my suggestion
Dawn :silly:
(sallyann is someone very special to me)
rolleyes Dear Dawn we still dont know where to go hunn , please send email when you can thanks xx smile Getting excited now! lol
I don't know about you guys but I would be incredibly excited if I could make this munch , which ,alas, I can't.
I am extremely jealous of you lot.
Have a wonderful time one and all, and please take plenty of piccies to share with those less fortunate like myself.
Dawn you deserve a special mention for all your effort in arranging this . You're an absolute star and I am sure it will all come off splendidly. Just dont even atttempt to drink all that will and should be offered you on the
You lucky people
lol babes u not told them who l am, lm the person that bring out the worst in dawn in most ways, together most of u wouldnt b able to handle us, apart well we are just as bad
love ya babes lol
will you stop ruining my reputation, they all think I'm sweet and innocent on here :angel:
I keep telling everyone in the chatroom I'm a good girl
now behave before I have to come over there and sort you out smackbottom
Dawn :silly:
Dawn we're as good or bad as we want to be biggrin :D :D Can't wait ! ........Look forward to meeting you !! and everybody els :D :D :D e
wooooohooooo come sort me babes u know u want too redface biggrin
Well I have been a busy bee and sent out pm's and emails.
I hope I haven't missed anyone out, don't shout at me if I have. I'm only human.
Leave me a msg or pm if I can help any of you in anyway.
Don't forget to keep all details to yourselves!
All that work has worn me out.
I'm off to the pub lol
Dawn :silly:
p.s. sallyann you are in so much trouble, just behave will you woman!
Thanks for the PM. re. the venue of the Midlands Munch, the directions were very specific and the road map very helpful, but:
Did you have to pick the Saddam Hilton in downtown Bagdad for this do?
Where's my bloody passport. Does any Airline fly there these days?
I don't mind the travelling expenses, or paying for a room in the Saddam Hilton, but Iraq is a dry country, there's no beer. mad :x :x
The only good thing about the Munch is I may see Dawn
doing the dance of the seven veils. rolleyes
Quote by harry0
The only good thing about the Munch is I may see Dawn
doing the dance of the seven veils.

The best part of the dance is that she only wears six... wink
Well, looks like we are too late for this.
Kids are away for the weekend and we have only just found this site, and from all the indications we live not far from the venue....... oh well next time.
We will drop dawn a PM anyway, look forward to chatting to you all in here.
Quote by DJohn
The only good thing about the Munch is I may see Dawn
doing the dance of the seven veils.

The best part of the dance is that she only wears six... wink
Oi gentlemen, I can wear normal clothes you know and not just fancy dress outfits!
No veils for me, besides, I'd use bed sheets :giggle: so calm down and make do with a hug :therethere:
Quote by kinkycoupleleic
We will drop dawn a PM anyway.

and I have answered but you are too late guys, I will not back down on this point, sorry.
Maybe the person who does the next midlands munch (not me) will be able to be relaxed about their guest list but I can't be, sorry.
Dawn :silly:
p.s. can anyone else thats thinking of pmming me about venues, DON'T, its only wasting yours and my time
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited :thrilled: :bounce: :thrilled: :bounce: :thrilled: :bounce: :thrilled: :thrilled: :bounce: :bounce: :thrilled: :bounce: :thrilled: :bounce: :thrilled: :bounce: :thrilled: :bounce:
Calm down before you bursts! Go shopping for slacks, that will take your mind off it.
Dawn :silly:
Quote by tim-jas
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited

Someone else has just lumbered me with that song for the day!!!
I'm so excited
And I just can't hide it :karaoke:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
ooooooooh lm so depressed, l just cant make it lm about to lose control and l hate it. :cry:
babes u have a brilliant time tomorrow l will b thinking about u as always,
love loads xxxx
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Calm down before you bursts! Go shopping for slacks, that will take your mind off it.
Dawn :silly:

If Jas turns up at the munch wearing slacks you're gonna get a smacked arse!! evil :evil:
Quote by steveg_nw
Calm down before you bursts! Go shopping for slacks, that will take your mind off it.
Dawn :silly:

If Jas turns up at the munch wearing slacks you're gonna get a smacked arse!! evil :evil:
Jas or me?
Dawn :silly:
(fingers crossed its me)
p.s. :love: :love: :love: sallyann :love: :love: :love:
oh Jas please wear slacks for me kiss :kiss: :kiss:
I really would like a hard spanking from steve :giggle:
wooohoooooooo ok now I'm excited about tomorrow
Dawn :silly:
Hi Dawn, would really like to come to yr Munch tomorrow - we are a midland based married couple. . Mich & Kev XX
*Edited by Moderator to remove mobile number*