look i'm really sorry to be so dim, but i am new so go easy on me, but..... what is a munch? i just know the answer is going to be embarrassingly obvious isn't it?
bed head.
Havn't been to a munch or any other event of its kind and i am very keen to go to this one if that's alright with you? I would think it will be no problem for me to make this event as it's east traveling distance for me. Let me know if you have any spaces available, and of course when and where. Thanks,
Andy. xxx
Am very interested in the Munch you are organising. Please contact me with details as they come available.
Many thanks
hi bigdd xx
its nice to see you might be coming to the munch xx
keep persevering in the room xx
gr8 chatting with yas xx
funin xx
hiyas andy28peterborough xx
glad you have decided to post a reply for the munch xx
nice chatting with yas babes xx
keep at the room when people get to know you more then things happen xxx
munches are a very good way to start xx
take care xx
funin xx
never been to a munch b4 but would love to cum
We are late to this thread as usual, but we would love to come to the midlands munch please. (providing we can find one of those rare to extinct breeds of baby sitter lol !)
Look forward to hearing from you.
Fran & Stu
you're an angel,thanks.
i'll be there, in fact i've been ironing a fresh crease into the front of my levi's 8) in anticipation.
looking forward to meeting everybody.
bed head
Dawn ...... better to tell you sooner rather than later... It is with immense regret that I shall be unable to attend mids Munch.... the Ironic thing is that I shall be down in Mids that night with a gorgeous woman.... but not an SH type..... we have another appointment..... and separate rooms...sadly!!!
so with much regret please delete me from proposed guest list.... hope all goes well and I shall read reports with a very sad feeling, hope this is enough notice... I know the pressures of organisation and fact that for all peeps you will never get it all right.... but from what I see you are doing a fucking good job!!! ( french for OK ) all the Fucking best ( french for good luck)
Dawn told me she has sent you details in pvt. Hope you have them now.
Just writing this now to ensure nobody else posts publically any of the precise details.
if you havnt got the pm. let dawn know and she can re-send.
Hi Andy
Welcome to SH. You'll find a link to Munches on the index page of the forum under Let's Meet Up. Essentially it's a neutral environment for us all to get together, have a drink and have a laugh. No play, just socialising. Highly recommended.
Sappho xxx
Hi what is a much would be interested in joining in