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Midlands Munch - 13th March

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320 replies
43 watchers
corrie, consider it done lol
:small-print: you have a pm
Dawn :silly:
at this rate dawn, we'll need to hire the nec !!
Just hope everyone turns up :bounce: :bounce:
well brumlad we are now up to 85 people interested but only about 50 have confirmed with me boink
would anybody else like to confirm :confused2:
Do I want everyone to turn up??? Course I bloody do :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Dawn :silly:
new to east midlands and looking for carpark or dogging fun, or just good old swinging. i am bi-curious 45 male
Hi Dawn
Count me in for the mids munch. Let me know the details in the fullness of time.
I'm in Shropshire, but anywhere Midlands ish is fine by me.
Quote by neolithic
new to east midlands and looking for carpark or dogging fun, or just good old swinging. i am bi-curious 45 male

I'm so happy for you neolithic... maybe I'm missing the point, but what has the above got to do with the midlands munch.
Or by the above are you telling the world you dont want to come to the munch?
Couplecatcher you have details in a pm :small-print:
Dawn :silly:
lol ya i am up 4 it let me know where when and i will cum down
:small-print: boardsteve I have sent you details in a pm lol
Dawn :silly:
Dawn - I too am interested in this Munch thing. Can you also send me details
im new and didnt know what a munch was, i looked it up and now i am wiser, sorry to all for posting the 'wrong thing' in the 'wrong place' type scenario,
munching sounds fun hope to try it out one day...
ps: i am just thick but i am nice and cuddly
Quote by mozzerella
Can you also send me details

Your wish is my command, well almost lol
I sent you the details redface
Dawn :silly:
I'd love to come to the munch..........I know lemons and loo and tongue.....they can vouch I'm genuine.....please send details
Quote by bi_curious_man123
I know lemons and loo and tongue.....they can vouch I'm genuine.....

Ok I'll let you off with lemons and loo but tongue???
Keep that to yourself next time hun
You have details in a pm
Dawn :silly:
(only joking tongue xx)
Hi Dawn, can you send me details too!! I will have to work on Mrs Bilko, and arrange leave from work but you can put me down as a definite , possible , maybe!!!!
Sgt Bilko
OK Bilko but you gotta leave this at home
:small-print: a pm is sent Sir!
Dawn :silly:
hi dawn, andy here from walsall, great idea, about time too, as you can see dont live far from cov so would love an invite x
Quote by painter
hi dawn, andy here from walsall, great idea, about time too, as you can see dont live far from cov so would love an invite x

Well look in your pm's Andy because you have one lol
Dawn :silly:
You're doing a great job there Dawn!!! xxxxxx
oh dawnie l want that pic of u me miss them :twisted: lol :twisted:
Quote by sallyann
oh dawnie l want that pic of u me miss them

Me miss you to babes and you can have them any time you like kiss
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: goodie
glad you have done something about it .....
am interested ..,.can you tell me more please.
hi dawn!
deffo count me in for the mids munch! can't hardly wait!
neil x
nelson and neilinleeds please check your privates lol
maybe pm's would be a better term :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
I can not help you find a venu, but I would love to come it would be an excellent stat for me to the swinging scene, so please contact me when you do have venue.
Quote by uktaz522
I can not help you find a venu, but I would love to come it would be an excellent stat for me to the swinging scene, so please contact me when you do have venue.

This one got me puzzled, til I scrolled back to Dawn's first posting about the munch way back at the top of page one.
Dont worry Taz, if you had taken the time to read the whole posting instead of jumping in eagerly you would have read that a venue has been located for the munch.
The exact venue is being kept secret, until just before the event, so I expect Dawn will drop you the general info in a forum pm very soon.
And welcome to the site.
hi dawn
could we please have an invite....just love to meet you all...and we only live in brumsmile
all our love
I have been promissed a goodtime if I make it as there are some guys and others who want to meet me.
I wounder if Dazz from Coventry is turning up?
Quote by Caz_Gav
hi dawn
could we please have an invite....just love to meet you all...and we only live in brumsmile
all our love

I have sent you the details in a pm lol
Dawn :silly: