Can somebody please tell me where the munch is??
Hi - I think you'll find that the invitations have all gone out and the list is now closed. It's also been decided that none of the new members (since last week ) will be invited as a lot (NOT ALL) have turned out to be journalists and or/idiots.
If you spend more time here, get to know the people etc etc etc then, when the next one is arranged, you will be in a better position to be invited. Don't take this personally but we have been innudated with twits/twats/tossers for the last 10 days or so. :cry:
Hope everyone has a great time, i joined this site to late to make this Munch, but hopefully, i'll get well know and trusted enough to be invited to the next one, By the way i'll go as a male so not to scare everyone.
best wishes Becky xx
Anyone got a hug? I am suddenly really nervous :eeek:
Dawn :silly:
Don't worry Dawn; I'm sure nobody will bite unless you ask them very nicely...
Awwww Dawn - I'm sure it will go well!
Big Big Big Hugs!
Alex x x x
(Just sad I can't go)