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Mids & newts Stag & Hen party TONIGHT at Chameleons

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1 watcher
All those that have contacted us to be put on the list have been.
We are having our combined Stag and Hen night at Chameleons near Wendsbury on Friday 15th of September.
The club is open from 11am to 3am and September is uniform month. :twisted:
Anyone wishing to join us please add your names below. This party is open to all and there will be memebers from other sites aswell.
The rates for this event will be normal if you are an existing member of Chambs, single ladies is £5 entry and for the single males we have been granted a 1 night entry guest price of £35, this only applies if your name is on our party list, so if you want to come and celebrate with us then get your names on the list.
N.B. you will need ID, your entry money and bring your own drink.
(Single guys that we dont already know will need someone to vouch for them please, i used to be a single guy myself and had this hoop to jump through wink )
Mids and Newt xx
Woo hoo..... joint hen n stag do... like i'm gonna miss this... NOT
Count me in Mids hunni
just need to sort out willing victim erm i mean companion for the night lol :lol:
never mind a hotel list, but a list of ya mates might be needed for me to pick from wink :giggle:
Excellent, welll im sure i can think of one of my mates who will cum with you :twisted:
chams is in darlaston not wednesbury
sorry i'll get my coat lol bolt
Quote by naughtynymphos1
chams is in darlaston not wednesbury
sorry i'll get my coat lol bolt

we are supposed to be vague about locations lol
but then im just vague lol
Quote by Midlandsman1970
Excellent, welll im sure i can think of one of my mates who will cum with you :twisted:

aw only one????? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by NWfreckles
Excellent, welll im sure i can think of one of my mates who will cum with you :twisted:

aw only one????? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
hmmm, looking for a bit of bukkake then hun? :P
newt xx
Quote by new2trot
Excellent, welll im sure i can think of one of my mates who will cum with you :twisted:

aw only one????? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
hmmm, looking for a bit of bukkake then hun? :P
newt xx
erm ............ not exactly
As a single male I would love to come along and enjoy the party....GREAT IDEA.
Do you need a wedding planner?
Blatant bump !
Come on you guys, where's all our mates gone to? :cry:
Quote by wedding-planner
Do you need a wedding planner?

bit late now! rolleyes I've been battling with bookings for months but finally have it sorted (I think... I hope... oh gawd!) but of course you'd be welcome to join us at Chams biggrin
newt xx
Hi Mids and Newt, we dont know you but we will be at chams ourselves tonight so will look out for you and wish you all the breast, oops, best!
Have fun
Fi and Tony