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mids chams

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Quote by JimSalopLad
Ali, why not get two or three 'possibles' then ask peeps which ones they can make?

why over complicate things. If you give people a choice of dates they'd end up all split and we probably won't get the numbers needed. Give people a date and let them sort themselves around it! Will probably save you a whole load of hassle in the long run.
I like that idea. makes things easy (i like easy makes life fun biggrin :D :D )
The date is now set for Thursday May 15.
Would everyone who is definatly interested please confirm and i will forward details.
Thanks Mids xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sign me up please biggrin
Hi Ali,
it is our sons birthday so we will try to come but obviously we might not be able to go xxxx
but I havent got a thing to wear !!!
Quote by m8y
but I havent got a thing to wear !!!

didnt think naturists bothered lol
i'm sure i'll be able to make it.
Thursday would be difficult for us at best of times but that is day before my exam so no chance sad :( :(
We would love to attend. Looking forward to a relaxing fun night
I'd love to come to this please. Have been to chams before and it is a great club. I am able to make May 15th. Any idea what the cost will be for a single male yet?
great choice of date, I'll be there.
can we confirm plz, and is it only reduced rate for single males or couples also
confirm..duly interested
dean im so gonna bite that bum when we see ya there
Quote by Heaven1970
dean im so gonna bite that bum when we see ya there

promises..promises !!!!!
If you let me know the exact date - I'll try to be there. Just need a bit of notice. biggrin
Quote by freethinkingman
If you let me know the exact date - I'll try to be there. Just need a bit of notice. biggrin

MAY 15th
Quote by deancannock
dean im so gonna bite that bum when we see ya there

promises..promises !!!!!
oh i promise to bite it, but i also promise to kiss it better redface
hi, we would be interested in a night out
I'll be there if it's ok. biggrin :D :D :D
suits me fine, a definite confirmation
confirmed so far
Tiger Lilly M
Midsprincess M
Cock up M
Jiggle M
Alfie - 23
Heaven M
Hell M
Freethinkingman M
daveanddebbie69 M
Hot Tart- and - MrD M
naughtynympos M
Dawn and Ian M
Big Andy
Bouncy M
Alaninuk M
A and D M
Welikesinglemen M
Danneandgary M
Dudcpl M
NeilandJennie M
Two-4-more M
jimsalpolad M
si and annie M
Wayneywonder M
Pickles M
Just4fun4u M
Alfie 23 m
Hol-happycouple M
Sammyansteve M
Alsorted M
Robi99 M
Topcat tc
Total so far 60
M = Member of club can you all let me know if you are a member of chams Tnx xxxxxx
HI Mids
This sounds like a great idea - I guess when you have confirmed numbers you can let everyone know the damage !
Are you planning to take over the place to the exclucisity of the regular crowd - or just mixing it ? - The reason i ask is that i try to get to Chams when possible and am quite often there on a thursday ! - so already a member.
So if necessary please put me down - always worth getting a discout!! Oh the cheek of it .....
Planing to be there tues - thurs 22-24 april if anyone want feedback on the place - actually if i am there that often does it mean i need help ??
Oh B*£$*&%@!!!!
Can't make that date. sad :( :(
Hope it goes well so you can have another one soon...
ohhh its my birthday on 14th may so i best go i suppose lol
oh by the way yes im a member lol
We'll be there :thumbup:
Quote by naughtynymphos1
ohhh its my birthday on 14th may so i best go i suppose lol
oh by the way yes im a member lol

is sleazy comiin to xxxx
Put me down as a cofirmed please, would love to cum lol