We have a week with no kids and were planning to go on holiday but Mrs Fun has a course in the middle of it so we have decided to go on a swinging tour for a few days instead.
The dates are 26th - 30th August inclusive (although we may be able to squeeze something local in on the evening of 25th too).
All genuine offers will be considered from couples and singles alike and anywhere in the country.
Please let us know if you're interested in meeting us so that we can start to plot our route. Daytime meets will be considered too (if on route to our evening meets) :twisted:
Please do not contact us if you have no intentions of meeting as this will waste a lot of our time and money. Therefore time wasters need not apply.
Hope to see lots of you soon xx
Hi there, hope both of you are fine.
If you decide to visit Cardiff on your tour then I would be delighted in meeting up with you both.
If you're in Scotlandshire, I might be able to squeeze you in on the Monday or Tuesday.
What a great way to pass a long Bank Holiday weekend!! I'm near your departure point, but would love to meet up on the Thurs evening somewhere if you decided to get the tour off with a bang? Can't accommodate, but happy to cover a share of hotel costs...
Let me know if that sounds of interest?
And - whatever the answer - have LOTS of fun!!
Have a great time - I did this a few years ago, had a cracking time and met some lovely people, some for the first time.
Harry Jones
Sounds like fun.
If Milton Keynes is on your route I would be interested. It's my birthday over that weekend so not sure of my plans yet.
Have a great time.
Any more for any more? :twisted:
If your passing through sunny Harrogate North Yorkshire on the Tuesday it would be nice for you to visit during the day,just let me know
Just enter 'fun' on the swing-nav and see where it takes ya..