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Mrs Creams 62nd birthday party confirmations needed/Thanku''

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3 watchers
any chance of putting a pan of madras chicken curry on creams breast mind with rice and pomps lol
Quote by woolly
any chance of putting a pan of madras chicken curry on creams breast mind with rice and pomps lol

you want to put a pan of madras chicken curry on her breast :shock:
mmmm now why didnt someone call me about this one heheheheheh mrs cream plz add me and tony to what ever list mmmmm came last yr and want to come again with that northy wan lol love ya hunnie let me know xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by woolly
any chance of putting a pan of madras chicken curry on creams breast mind with rice and pomps lol
vinderloo ya softys :lol:
n1cebren4u Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:55 pm Post subject: mmmmm pertie
mmmm now why didnt someone call me about this one heheheheheh mrs cream plz add me and tony to what ever list mmmmm came last yr and want to come again with that northy wan lol love ya hunnie let me know xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aint she a nice lass :lol: and its mr noty to you :lol: aye confirm us
Confirming we'll be there !
Cheers xx
confirm we'll be there if we make it off reserve babe
Quote by creampie123
any chance of putting a pan of madras chicken curry on creams breast mind with rice and pomps lol

you want to put a pan of madras chicken curry on her breast :shock:any chance of putting a pan of madras chicken curry on creams, breast mind with rice and pomps............. that better :lol:
just confirming we will be there
Hi Creams, just to let you know we won't be coming next Sat so you can move someone up from the reserve list.
I'll be texting Miss Cream within next few days.
Hope you have a brilliant night kiss
Im just confirming
not 100% sure what time the england game kicks off on saturday but rest assured, if it's a evening kick-off it will be on here.
Quote by creampie123
not 100% sure what time the england game kicks off on saturday but rest assured, if it's a evening kick-off it will be on here.
515 itv ffs bit of a inbetweeny usually get ready boot that time ya nar what women r like smile
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
not 100% sure what time the england game kicks off on saturday but rest assured, if it's a evening kick-off it will be on here.
515 itv ffs bit of a inbetweeny usually get ready boot that time ya nar what women r like smile
no what you mean t lol....that'll be me in the shower at half time then :lol:
Quote by creampie123
not 100% sure what time the england game kicks off on saturday but rest assured, if it's a evening kick-off it will be on here.
515 itv ffs bit of a inbetweeny usually get ready boot that time ya nar what women r like smile
no what you mean t lol....that'll be me in the shower at half time then :lol:ffs didnt nar ya were even in the squad niver taken off at h/t la :lol:
still a few to confirm and times running out.
Hi confirming we will be there. xxx
well unfortunatley seen as we had a gawed awfull weekend were everything that could go wrtong has gone wrong we regrettably say well defo be ther cos ffs cant be as bad as this weekend lol looking forward to seeing u all xxxxx
hya, would like to onfirm that we are def coming, not long now xx
Quote by Alandtra69
hya, would like to onfirm that we are def coming, not long now xx

whats a onfirm ....heard of infirm, but not onfirm lol
would you by any chance be able to put me on the reserve list please.
Let me know if i can start warmimg up to come on biggrin :D :D
Any chance of adding little old me to the list, will bring a pressie!!!
Quote by finnie
Any chance of adding little old me to the list, will bring a pressie!!!

Quote by andrew73
would you by any chance be able to put me on the reserve list please.
Let me know if i can start warmimg up to come on biggrin :D :D

i'll add you's to the reserve list, but the chances of making it on to the main list are very very slim.
hi guys .... just a request to be put on the reserve list .. pretty please ... we was on hols so didnt know u was havin a party till we got back xxxxxxxxx
Hi cream, sorry for not getting back sooner been on holiday. Started a new job today and unfortunatly I now have to work on Sunday early so can't make it now! speak soon J & N :upset:
Hiya you two x
Unfortunately we're going to have to drop out from Saturday, Mark is off work and suffering badly, when he's not asleep he's doped up!!! sad
I owe you some keeeebabs next time i see you biggrin
Take care and have a great night xxxxxx
just confirming i will be there , t3
wud love to come xx
c u sat xx
luv ian and pat xxxx
Quote by creampie123
list closed
confirmations needed please by the 8th october
going to have a party at ours on saturday october 11th for mrs creams birthday :bounce: :bounce:
we are going to limit it to 30 ppl once we've reached that figure we will open a reserve list..
we will provide the food in buffet style all you have to bring is your plonk :cheers: :cheers: the party will start about 7-30 and finish when it finishes which is usually between 2am and 5 am..
if we do not no you then you will need to be verified by someone that is on the list :notes: that we do no(please ask them first before saying so-and-so can verify)
so get your names down and lets have another great party.
people in bold confirmed
aj stew
jazz and the neighbour scarer

Not long to go now!!!!!