NUMBERS REACHED....LIST CLOSED..will re-open if sufficient people drop out..
gonna have a party at ours on fri 12th oct for mrs creams 25th,well you've got to celebrate being quarter of a century old haven't you :bounce:
anyway we can only have about 15 cpls and 4ish single males/females it isn't a big place we have but there's loads room in the garden to congregate :cheers: we do get sun in october don't we please say yes otherwise it could be a bit of a crush,there again that could be fun :rascal:
have room for a cpl of ppl to stay over so for the spaces it's first come first served,will start about 7ish and finish when it finishes.....
please let me no if anyone needs/wants hotel/b&b lists and i'll sort them out for you
we'll provide all the food and soft drinks just bring your own alcohol and whats left i'll have

so get ya names down....when the numbers have been reached, a reserve list will be opened. all sleeping spaces taken...
candj (confirmed)
HandT (confirmed)
sillybilly (confirmed)
Single males/females
earthchild (female)(confirmed)
Markymark_2007 (male)(confirmed)
n1cebren4u (female)(confirmed)
stewarth (male)(confirmed)