NE Social night...Saturday 27th May

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Just wondered if anyone fancies getting involved in a NE Social group ?
Nights out, Bowling, Meals, Bar-B-Q's, Walks etc etc.
I am happy to do the organising if enough people are interested.
They will be socials and open to all .............. so either pop your names on here or PM me and I will get something organised.
Give me a clue about dates and preferred activities :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We would be up for stuff like that.....except not walks......please no walks......if a place does not have a four lane motorway leading to it, then its probably not worth visitiing!! biggrin
John & Shel
OK, OK ........... no walks then :giggle:
So any suggestions for a venue and a date ?
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Loads of venues, comedy clubs, greyhound racing, 10 pin bowling, even plain old pubs!! Really depends what most people want.
As to dates, is this tied to a Saturday for everyone? Thursdays or Sundays can be good in Newcastle.
John & Shel
Hi Blonde - this is a message sent from heaven to me biggrin
Having been a member of SH in the North West fro a year or so, I have moved up here now, and have yet to meet any like minded individuals.
Any of the activities suggested sound great - personally a night in the week for a social would suit me best, as I go away every weekend to see my kids.
Please, please include me in any plans you make
Tony x x
We would definately be able to pop along to the occasional social, pennies permitting biggrin
Les x
and I thought I'd be all on my lonesome in the NE :giggle:
Will see if anything is on anywhere soon ............ and let you all know kiss
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A few people i met last week in york have been batting around this idea as well... so i know there is an interest...
If you want to arrange something then if i can get the time off... i'll be there..... don't know if that is likely to help or scare people away..... lol lol lol lol
sean xxxxxxxxx
Fabio .......... great !
Yep I have had a fair bit of interest in PM's as well as the posts on here.
So ......... is Sunderland about half way for eveyone ? and what about one week on Friday or Saturday night ? .............. so
26th or 27th ........... Sunderland ?
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hellooooo dont forget me Blonde
you already have my mobile number i am up for this definately
Earthy xx
Earthy .......... U sexy little sugarpuff .............. would I forget you ? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Saturday 27th May ........... Sunderland ................ it is then !!! :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
awww bollox i am in birmingham on 27th :cry:
catch you all at the next one
Earthy x
Are bbw's welcome, if yes id be up for meets
Quote by runtie
Are bbw's welcome, if yes id be up for meets

Darlin .......... everyone is welcome ........... its a social ........ meet/chat and drinkies
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi xx we r new to this and would love to get to know peeps, we cant make the 27th as we r away that week but would defs be up for future meet
Hi guys would definately be interested in meeting up with peeps from SHeaven for socials, sounds like a top idea cool
Sorry folks ........... I thought I'd already posted that I cant do this now.......... but when I looked this afternoon ............. it was on page 5 ........... so I didnt think anyone still wanted to go redface
I now cant make it ................ but if someone else wants to take over the organising ......... then great ........... hope you all have a good night.
Really really sorry .............. bolt
I'll take my punishment like a girlie ........ smackbottom
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
Sorry folks ........... I thought I'd already posted that I cant do this now.......... but when I looked this afternoon ............. it was on page 5 ........... so I didnt think anyone still wanted to go redface
I now cant make it ................ but if someone else wants to take over the organising ......... then great ........... hope you all have a good night.
Really really sorry .............. bolt
I'll take my punishment like a girlie ........ smackbottom
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I would offer to take over and organise.... but i can't make it either..... god i hate weekend 12-8pm shifts.......sad
Sean xxxxxxxxxxx