SEEKING: Single male swinging partner
Must be: 26+, single, honest, reliable, G.I.B., sexy and fun
*Please feel free to re-invent yourself to fit the above criteria
why not me ?
hI I,m new to the site and would like to volunteer my services !
I,m Steve, 33 - 6,2 33 waist dark hair , just in the process of setting up my profile - so can/will provide any info you may require.
All the best
Im 26+ ,single, honest, reliable............................oh bugger
Im 26 and ready to sign up to be your personal swinging slave........... where do I sign??? :twisted: :twisted:
if you need a hand to 'vet' the replies, please feel free to send them my way first, if they pass the first test (yet to be designed) I will pass them on to you :twisted:
Can I be the first to be vetted...... please :bounce:
I know I get a little to enthusiastic at times but sometimes it's a good thing.
I took Sarah s advice earlier and have spent over an hour on this site and made a couple of posts and still no response :cry:
I dont think this site works
It all stops at
You wanna tell me there aren't anymore blokes out there looking for a single, gullible female?
Bloody hell...talk about handing it on a silver plater.....
*stomps off*
you have a PM - but its not worth reading.
Get those application forms in now