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new young liverpool couple

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Warming the Bed

hiya peeps, genuine young male23/female21 couple here, just joined SH looking to expand our sexual experiences. As i said we are both new to this and dont want to rush things too quickly. What we are looking for is to meet some like minded people to break us into the swinging scene gentley. The only one specification that we have is that the playmates that we make are under 30. We have been into the chat room a few times but have found that it is too quick and quite difficult to find our feet, thought tht posting a message on the forum would be a much easier way to meet people that are genuine. Have been reading about these munch meets and we both think that that would be a good way of getting into the scene.
anyways enough of my hope to hear from some like minded genuine people soon.
N & B
:welcome: to the forum
Feel free to ask if you're unsure of anything - we won't bite honest :twisted:
Hi peeps dont get disheartened at the lack of replies to your intro. One of the better ones I have read.
Welcome to the site. Hope you get what you came for. It can take a while to settle in. Try visiting the Cafe and chatting in there (grab a beer and pull up a chair lol )
Good luck and I will see you about I hope. wink
Phredd (one of the SH elders)
Warming the Bed
To be quite honest i was getting a bit worried when we had no replys...but now i know that because we are new we need to get our faces about a It was ma boyfriends idea to join us on here, not saying that im not keen on the idea but he is pushing for it more than me. In an ideal world i think he would like to see me fuck every tom dick and but i wanna take things more slowly. Would you sa that ging to a club or a munch meet thingy would be the best way to get into things?
Hello, Im from Southport and thought Id offer my services... wink
Nah, welcome to the site, Im sure you'll love it. There all a hell of a lot of very sexy people on here.
Good luck!
Warming the Bed
Quote by southport
Hello, Im from Southport and thought Id offer my services... wink
Nah, welcome to the site, Im sure you'll love it. There all a hell of a lot of very sexy people on here.
Good luck!

thank you smile
Warming the Bed
hi liverpool 24u,
I am 31 is that too old.
Just like to welcome u to the site, from another liverpool cple, hop u find what u are looking for, and have lots of fun biggrin
Warming the Bed
hi just want to welcome you to the site. I am a male from liverpool and i am 20 there is a lot of geniune people on this site and i have made some brilliant friends here it can take a while at first but just keep on at it.
i would also like to offer my services to you. after looking at the pics all i can say is wow and i hope you get in touch so we could meet biggrin
Quote by Scandal
Going to a munch is a totally different thing. It's a purely social event. If you are into meeting forum users and getting totally pissed so you can't remember what happens you'll probably enjoy yourself lol

Well that's one way to put it Scandal, I'm not sure how many of us would agree with you. Personally I can quite happily go to a munch, not drink a drop (as usual), and have a perfect recollection of the previous evening's events.
I would say that they can be somewhat daunting if you're not particularly used to spending the evening in a pub full of people - I make no secret of the fact that I prefer smaller social events, preferably with something to do apart from drink. Having said that, they're a great way to put faces to names and meet a lot of people in a very short space of time.