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Newbie would like to talk...

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HI there. I'm a newbie, have posted a "New Boy" topic in The Cafe explaining a little about me.
Basically what I'd really like to do is have a chat with someone to get more of an idea of what i'm getting into. Any girl who would like to...over the phone is let me know. I've lots of questions...but can't promise my mind won't start bieng mischevious!
Quote by Lovepoet
HI there. I'm a newbie, have posted a "New Boy" topic in The Cafe explaining a little about me.
Basically what I'd really like to do is have a chat with someone to get more of an idea of what i'm getting into. Any girl who would like to...over the phone is let me know. I've lots of questions...but can't promise my mind won't start bieng mischevious!

If you have a wander through some of the threads on here, you will get more of an idea what you're getting in to. Having said that, would it not have been prudent to think about that first? As to advice on the 'phone, why does it need to be a girl? Or did you just want to talk dirty on the 'phone :shock:
For advice, have a look at this link:
Hey you
It was for two reasons, one because I do find sex talk on the phone a real turn on, and also because I just wanted to get an idea of someone on here and chat easily...
A kind of gentle nursery slope into the debauchery... x
As I said in your other thread, slow down, have a read, and get a feel for the place. You're posting like a man possesed!! :shock: :shock: :shock: lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
I know, kid in a sweetshop!
Just enthusiastic that's all!
Steph, he already has. Asked for a girl to hold his hand lol
Who needs advice? Just wander around aimlessly and never get any. I used to have to travel to pubs and clubs to find no action, but now I can do it from the comfort of my own bedroom. lol :lol: :lol:
Just be there, be you, and let them come to you...
I guess I just wanted to know if I was in the right place as a straight male for getting to know people who are open to one on one meets and threesomes...
Quote by Lovepoet
I guess I just wanted to know if I was in the right place as a straight male for getting to know people who are open to one on one meets and threesomes...

Yes, you are - and much more besides. wink
Freckles, I like you.
Bring it on!
Quote by Lovepoet
Freckles, I like you.
Bring it on!

lol :lol: :lol: are you suuuuuuuuuuuuure :twisted:
Was that a compliment....x
That didn't take long. smile .. You know, all the blokes I hang around with seem to get women throwing themselves at them... I don't know if it's some sort of pheremone ventriloquism I've got going on here, but I think I could end up becoming the best wingman in the world, ever. cool
Great, make sure you're nearby when I attend an event...
Assuming that Freckles IS throwing herself at mex...x
Quote by Lovepoet
Great, make sure you're nearby when I attend an event...
Assuming that Freckles IS throwing herself at mex...x

Erm, nope I'm not. :shock:
See I didn't think so!
Freckles don't think I was being presumptuous, it was all HIM!!!! x
Do you think I should put a wingman advert up? smile
You know, if I was being pessemistic.. or even paranoid.. I might think the girls were just throwing themselves at anyone just so I didn't try it on... But I'm a blind faced naive eternal optimist so hurrah for me never realising! heh heh...
Good luck, but remember, even if freckles isn't throwing herself at you, plenty of women here will, so play cool fella, play cool. cool
Nice to know...cheers!
They are quite welcome to.