if any one fancies meeting up let us no we will send u details of where we can meet up come on get ya dancing shoes on

Quote by Two4fun2007
Ahhhh i'd of loved to have a drink wiv ya to celebrate ya birfty... but i'm not a cpl... so have a good un
Quote by Lilmiss
Ahhhh i'd of loved to have a drink wiv ya to celebrate ya birfty... but i'm not a cpl... so have a good un
Quote by Two4fun2007
Ahhhh i'd of loved to have a drink wiv ya to celebrate ya birfty... but i'm not a cpl... so have a good un
Quote by Lilmiss
Ahhhh i'd of loved to have a drink wiv ya to celebrate ya birfty... but i'm not a cpl... so have a good un