Quote by Tee2006
would love to come, get my name down!!!!!!!!!!
you do know its the northeast (newcastle area )
Site Rules
There is to be no discussion of the locations of munches or locations/times of dogging meets on the open forum or chatrooms. Please use Private Messages.
Enforcing the rules
Failure to comply with the AUP can lead to a friendly warning or a permanent ban from the site without notice depending on the severity of the offence.
Swinging Heaven is run for the good and benefit of its members, not anyone else. Wherever possible we endeavour to ensure that when you go to either a Munch or a Social, you can go knowing you will feel safe in the company of those attending.
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
Look peeps the list is now closed
will put a reserve list up but after convos we had yesterday some people have brought it to our attention that they were going to tell other s not on list the venue .we have to say do not tell others the meet up place or times please
Quote by Fit-fella
Hi there probably far too late lol but if there is room can I cum
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
Look peeps the list is now closed
will put a reserve list up but after convos we had yesterday some people have brought it to our attention that they were going to tell other s not on list the venue .we have to say do not tell others the meet up place or times please
Quote by cplintheNEyer was gona do it any way j m8 have a good one and tell t not to be kissing all the girls(unless me there)
been off line for a week or so and have noticed our names are still on to go, can you please remove them and maybe let 1 of the reserves go in our place as we go away that day.
please have good time
and may
we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happey New year
and may it be a safe one.