Seen a few posts on here about Wank clubs and seems to be a lot of interest in it. Is anyone in the Milton Keynes or Bucks area interested? I cannot accomadate but will gladly arrange the first meeting if anyone can genuinely provide a venue. Are there any females out there interested in attending either to join in (why should it be just males?) or maybe just to watch!!!
The date I have in mind is Weds May 4th so if anyone has an empty house on that date and doesnt mind a few of us round please let me know.
This will only be open to people who have been members more than 2 months or can be vouched for by another member
Sounds like it could well be fun, let me know it anyone ever takes you up on the idea I would love to join in.
Sure, i'm interested. Can't help with venue though (young children to look after)
OK so if anyone in Milton Keynes is interested in the idea of this then I will provide the venue. So now that a venue is available is anyone actualy interested in this? Email or PM me and lets try and get something organised.
Great news
Lets get this thing on the road, Anyone else interested? Be nice to include females, couples
Post a date that you can host the first meet and lets see what response we get. This will be open to males,females and couples. All parties must be able to enjoy themselves without having to interact with others (unless they want to)
i would be up for it let me know please
ok so Friday 09 September Email me if you are interested and we will see who is upfor it
No good for me, im away all next weekend
first of all lets see if it can be more than just 2 before a limit is set
other than 2 people who actually followed up but couldnt make the 9th none what so ever
Im 100% free this sat evening and would be happy to attend. anyone else interested?